WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


durotar 5-12

mpop opened this issue ยท 2 comments


The addon says to get the quest:
"The Dranosh'ar Blockade"
but it says to get it 10-12 lines BEFORE doing the quest:
"The Burning Blade"
that must precede it.
the paper version of durotar 5-12 by the same author has the correct version but it took me almost ten minutes of searching wowhead for the quest before I realized the problem with the addon.

The solution is simple:
move "the burning blade" up to were it is supposed to be.

ps. Oh, and this is for version 2.0.4 if you're wondering.


just played v2.0.5
and while it has been altered it still hasn't been resolved.
You need to either
move "the burning blade" up
"The Dranosh'ar Blockade" down.


Just talked to Bits and got the updated version, will be in the next update. Sorry about that!