WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


REP tag Modification

Twists opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Rep tag will need to be modified to handle Aldor and Scryers. I'm pretty sure it will break the way it is now. I will see about working on that ASAP. It should only require some slight modification and testing. I know right now if you don't put in any type of alignment it sets it as 0 which is a non-function agrument. Plus, it is set to equal, and will probably need changed to equal or greater than.


Thanks Twists, I looked over the code but not in detail so I missed the equal or greater than issue. I did tell the folks working on the Aldor/Scryer guides to make sure to include the alignment, but if the user is higher than whatever they list then I guess it won't work in the current implementation.

No hurry, I probably won't be pushing an update for another week or two.


Here is the issue if I change it to equal or greater. If you have:

A Quest 1|QID|998|REP|Thereazane,Honored|
A Quest 2|QID|999|REP|Thereazane,Revered|

Then both quests will continue to show up when you reached Revered. If I keep it at equal, then Honored would go away when you reach Revered which it is suppose to do. But, it would also go away when you reached Exaulted. Some may want to continue doing them until you max out Exaulted or the same would hold true if you had to go from neutral to honored. This means adding a third:

A Quest 1|QID|998|REP|Thereazane,Honored|
A Quest 2|QID|999|REP|Thereazane,Revered|
A Quest 2|QID|999|REP|Thereazane,Exaulted|.

Without mudding the code or adding a third argument, would there be a problem in doing it like the above?


What would be the most excellent is if you could do the following:

A Quest 1|QID|998|REP|Thereazane,Honored,Revered,Exalted|

A string split based on the comma and a loop might allow this to happen.

I'd like to keep the guide code easily readable and I feel like having to list three steps for one step is not ideal. Yes it would work (the other steps would get checked off when the first one was) - but it just wouldn't be very clean for someone working on the guide code, or worse, updating the guide code.

Still, if we can't come up with something by the time I do the next update, I'd be okay with leaving it as you've proposed here.


The problem with doing it that way is that part of the request was to have it check for a certain amount (i.e. 3000/6000 at Friendly before skipping). But I might be able to set something up like |REP|Thereazane, Honored-Exalted|. That might work. Just have to figure out how to code it correctly, if that sounds like a viable solution.


Sounds excellent to me!


All done and in the Feb 8, 2011 release.


This is completed and will handle everything I could think of dealing with repuation. If its missing something, just let me know. I was able to set it up as above between two reputations, but also if you just have - and not a second rep, it will assume that you want to display the quest from that point on.


<3 <3 <3!