WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Use Dalies A/QID Handling to Better way to handle lead in quests

Twists opened this issue ยท 4 comments


The problem with the current |LEAD| tag is that the quest it is pointing to has to already been completed for it to work. This is definately a problem if the lead in quest has not been completed. But I think what has been implemented in the daily module that allows more than one QID will do the trick, and if so, I wanted to make sure the feature was included in the next version when moving the parser to the core. Example:

A Quest 1|QID|1;2|N|Will skip if you have quest 2 in your log.|
A Quest 2|QID|2;1|N|Will skip if you have quest 1 in your log.|
T Quest 1 or 2|QID|1;2|N|Turn in either quests.|


Just a confirmation, in case I never followed up with Ludovicus on this - that replacement from the daily module for the |LEAD| tag should work fine, it accomplishes the same thing from what I recall about both tags.


Roger that. I had been in touch with Jiyambi to make sure that was the key feature to be merged from that code-base.


That would be good. That way we can combine the first step to include the step from the previous guide and the Call to Arms quests.


This now works as described.