WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


FPS reduction when using the addon

Josral opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I just got the 2.1.4 update and have not been in the game with it yet. But I'm getting a 4 to 5 point reduction in FPS when using the addon. Is this to be expected or is it a bug? Also i'm having the 'acculation of lag' issue pointed out in the post with that title although it takes a while for it to show up. I'm able to do ui reloads to temporarily get rid of the lag that builds up. But the fps issue I don't know what to do about. I'm working on putting a better comp tower together but will be a bit before i get that done.


Just a note, a long time ago I remember Sylvan saying something about this accumulation of lag having to do with the easymenus associated with each step slot. It seems because we rebuild them each time, and because Blizz does not actually ever de-allocate memory for frame elements even when you are no longer using them, it can cause memory leakage. Possibly re-writing the menu code to not use easy-menu and instead simply modifying the menus on update instead of rebuilding them would solve this issue.


OK. I tracked down a problem with TomTom in which phantom waypoints were accumulating and eventually caused multiple waypoints to fail. As a side effect, it had a bit of a performance impact.

Could you tell me if you are seeing FPS going down anymore? I stay steady at 80-100 FPS now, where I used to drift down to 40 after awhile.


The Easymenus() are garbgage collected when the parent frames are deallocated or a new EasyMenu is created.
Our memory usage would otherwise increase as the FPS reduction increased.

Anyways, post 5.3, as part of the addon unification, the way the addon handles events changed and the total number of times we update the guide has gone down.

As part of the Pandaria expansion, rather strict limits were placed on how much time an addon could spend processing an event, and we broke up our processing as a result.



Grrr. This one will be bear to track down.
I suspect your problem and the "lag" problem may have the same root cause, but we will not know till one or the other gets fixed.