WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Auto-scale with stickies

Gethe opened this issue ยท 2 comments


If you have the addon set to auto scale to a certain number of steps, lets say 10. When you get to a sticky step you gain 1 line for the "as you go", 1 or more for the number of sticky steps, then the 10 actual steps. What you end up with is a frame that is actually atleast 12 steps high and may interfer with your UI config(it does for mine).

So i was wondering if it is posible to make the auto scaleing take into account the sticky steps too.


It's important that there still be at least one "active step" shown at all times, though. So it should reduce the number of active steps shown in this situation, so the total steps are not more than the setting, until there is only one active step. Then if the total steps goes over the setting, there's nothing we can really do and still preserve functionality.


Yup. Marked as a bug in auto-scaling.