WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Updated Silithus - Neutral with tags

Twists opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I sitll can't change the guides on wow-pro, so here it is. They made the area a bit easier to do, so quests reflect that.

WoWPro.Leveling:RegisterGuide('JiySil5560', 'Silithus', 'Jiyambi', '55', '60', 'JamHel6062|JamHel6063', 'Neutral', function()
return [[

R Cenarion Hold|QID|8280|M|54.92,35.85|
T Hero's Call: Silithus!|O||QID|28528|M|54.92,35.85|N|To Windcaller Proudhorn.|
T The Dunes of Silithus|O|QID|28859|M|54.92,35.85|N|To Windcaller Proudhorn.|
T Warchief's Command: Silithus!|O|QID|28527|M|54.92,35.85|N|To Windcaller Proudhorn.|FACTION|horde|

A Securing the Supply Lines|QID|8280|M|54.92,35.85|N|From Windcaller Proudhorn.|
A Wanted - Deathclasp, Terror of the Sands|QID|8283|M|55.05,35.93|N|From Windcaller Proudhorn.|
h Cenarion Hold|QID|8304|M|55.51,36.72|
A Deadly Desert Venom|QID|8277|M|55.35,36.26|N|From Beetix Ficklespragg.|
A Report to Marshal Bluewall|QID|9415|M|54.51,32.83|N|From Rifleman Torrig.|FACTION|alliance|
A Report to General Kirika|QID|9416|M|52.96,34.68|N|From Scout Bloodfist.|FACTION|horde|
f Cenarion Hold|QID|9416|M|52.75,34.66|N|From Runk Windtamer.|
A Secret Communication|QID|8318|M|52.67,35.56|N|From Bor Wildmane.|
A Twilight Geolords|QID|8320|M|52.76,35.63|N|From Huum Wildmane.|

C Deadly Desert Venom|QID|8277|M|47.91,36.17|S|N|From spiders and scorpions.|
C Securing the Supply Lines|QID|8280|M|47.27,38.32|S|
C Secret Communication|QID|8318|M|43.32,38.61|S|N|Dropped by Geolords and Prophets.|
C Twilight Geolords|QID|8320|M|43.91,40.41|N|This camp should have enough Geolords. Prophets occassionally patrol through - be careful, they are elite and quite strong, but if you manage to kill one the drop 10 Encrypted Texts.|
C Secret Communication|QID|8318|M|43.32,38.61|US|N|Dropped by Geolords and Prophets. Be careful, the Prophets are elite and quite strong, but if you manage to kill one the drop 10 Encrypted Texts..|
C Deadly Desert Venom|QID|8277|M|47.91,36.17|US|N|From spiders and scorpions.|
C Securing the Supply Lines|QID|8280|M|47.27,38.32|US|

T Secret Communication|QID|8318|M|52.67,35.62|N|To Bor Wildmane, back at Cenarion Hold.|
T Twilight Geolords|QID|8320|M|52.67,35.62|N|To Huum Wildmane.|
A Vyral the Vile|QID|8321|M|52.67,35.62|N|From Huum Wildmane.|

T Securing the Supply Lines|QID|8280|M|54.89,36.03|N|To Windcaller Proudhorn.|
A Stepping Up Security|QID|8281|PRE|8280|M|54.89,36.03|N|From Windcaller Proudhorn.|
T Deadly Desert Venom|QID|8277|M|55.34,36.31|N|To Beetix Ficklespragg.|
A Noggle's Last Hope|QID|8278|PRE|8277|M|55.34,36.31|N|From Beetix Ficklespragg.|

C Noggle's Last Hope|QID|8278|M|52.33,61.10|N|From scorpions and spiders.|S|
C Stepping Up Security|QID|8281|M|43.69,52.01|
C Noggle's Last Hope|QID|8278|M|55.18,51.69|N|From scorpions and spiders.|US|
C Vyral the Vile|QID|8321|M|69.90,16.36;73.19,16.48|N|In the back of the cave to the north-east.|

H Cenarion Hold|QID|8321|M|55.51,36.72|N|Hearth or run back.|
T Noggle's Last Hope|QID|8278|M|55.39,36.28|N|To Beetix Ficklespragg.|
A Noggle's Lost Satchel|QID|8282|PRE|8278|M|55.37,36.24|N|From Noggle Ficklespragg.|
T Stepping Up Security|QID|8281|M|54.88,35.95|N|To Windcaller Proudhorn, back at Cenarion Hold.|
r Repair|QID|9999|M|54.90,36.55|
T Vyral the Vile|QID|8321|M|52.75,35.58|N|To Huum Wildmane.|

A Dearest Natalia|QID|8304|M|53.22,32.48|N|From Commander Mar'alith.|

A The Twilight Mystery|QID|8284|M|53.58,35.24|N|From Geologist Larksbane.|
C The Twilight Mystery|QID|8284|M|29.44,9.74|N|Loot the tablets scattered around the ground in the Crystal Vale. Out of the way, but necessary to continue.|
T The Twilight Mystery|QID|8284|M|53.66,35.19|N|To Geologist Larksbane.|

A The Deserter|QID|8285|PRE|8284|M|53.66,35.19|N|From Geologist Larksbane.|
T The Deserter|QID|8285|M|68.65,62.99|N|To Hermit Ortell.|

A The Twilight Lexicon|QID|8279|M|68.65,62.99|N|From Hermit Ortell.|
T Report to General Kirika|QID|9416|M|54.63,62.86|N|To General Kirika.|FACTION|horde|
A Scouring the Desert|RANK|3|QID|9422|M|54.63,62.86|N|From General Kirika. NOTE: This PVP quest and is optional, it's up to you to complete it on your own.|FACTION|horde|

C The Twilight Lexicon|QID|8279|M|24.75,77.23|QO|Twilight Lexicon - Chapter 2: 1/1|T|Twilight Keeper Exeter|N|Kill and loot Twilight Keeper Exeter. He is way back in the back of the camp.|

H Cenarion Hold|QID|8321|M|55.51,36.72|N|If your hearth isn't up or you didn't set it there, you will need to run back.|

C The Twilight Lexicon|QID|8279|M|45.82,39.06|QO|Twilight Lexicon - Chapter 3: 1/1|T|Twilight Keeper Havunth|N|Kill and loot Twilight Keeper Havunth.|
C The Twilight Lexicon|QID|8279|M|33.51,34.56|QO|Twilight Lexicon - Chapter 1: 1/1|T|Twilight Keeper Mayna|N|Kill and loot Twilight Keeper Mayna.|

T Report to Marshal Bluewall|QID|9415|M|35.56,47.07|N|To Marshal Bluewall|FACTION|alliance|
A Scouring the Desert|RANK|3|QID|9419|M|35.56,47.07|N|From Marshal Bluewall NOTE: This PVP quest and is optional, it's up to you to complete it on your own.|FACTION|alliance|

T The Twilight Lexicon|QID|8279|M|68.63,63.01|N|To Hermit Ortell.|
A A Terrible Purpose|QID|8287|PRE|8279|M|68.63,63.01|N|From Hermit Ortell.|
A True Believers|RANK|3|QID|8323|PRE|8279|M|68.63,63.01|N|From Hermit Ortell.|

T A Terrible Purpose|QID|8287|M|53.21,32.43|N|To Commander Mar'alith.|

C Dearest Natalia|QID|8304|M|46.36,79.16|N|Just talk to the two dwarves in the camp.|
T Dearest Natalia|QID|8304|M|46.41,79.04|N|From a pop up window.|
A Into The Maw of Madness|QID|8306|M|46.41,79.04|From the pop up window.||
A Glyph Chasing|QID|8309|M|46.35,79.20|N|From Rutgar Glyphshaper, at the Bronsebeard Encampment to the south.|
A Breaking the Code|QID|8310|M|46.11,79.44|N|From Frankal Stonebridge.|

C Breaking the Code|S|QID|8310|M|55.51,90.60|N|Kill and loot silithid.|
C Into The Maw of Madness|QID|8306|M|58.40,78.38;55.51,90.60|N|Kill Natalia. Clean the section out first, because she fears.|
C Glyph Chasing|QID|8309|M|55.51,90.60|N|Right-click the white stone.|
C Breaking the Code|US|QID|8310|M|55.51,90.60|N|Kill and loot silithid until you get it.|

A Brann Bronzebeard's Lost Letter|QID|8308|M|33.24,53.85|N|Keep killing silithid until you get this. Skip this if you want or takes a while to find it.|U|20461|

T Glyph Chasing|QID|8309|M|46.37,79.08|N|To Rutgar Glyphshaper.|
T Brann Bronzebeard's Lost Letter|QID|8308|O|M|46.37,79.08|N|To Rutgar Glyphshaper.|
T Breaking the Code|QID|8310|M|45.96,79.39|N|To Frankal Stonebridge.|

A Unraveling the Mystery|QID|8314|M|45.96,79.39|N|To Frankal Stonebridge.|

C Wanted - Deathclasp, Terror of the Sands|QID|8283|M|49.61,82.45|N|Path is behind the camp. Watch his kickback. You might want to position him so that your back is to the wall.|
C Noggle's Lost Satchel|QID|8282|M|49.32,81.46|N|Up the hill on the right.|

H Cenarion Hold|QID|8282|M|55.51,36.72|

T Noggle's Lost Satchel|QID|8282|M|55.37,36.24|N|To Noggle Ficklespragg.|
T Unraveling the Mystery|QID|8314|M|M|53.66,35.19|N|To Geologist Larksbane.|
T Into The Maw of Madness|QID|8306|M|53.22,32.48|N|To Commander Mar'alith.|
T Wanted - Deathclasp, Terror of the Sands|QID|8283|M|54.58,31.99|N|To Vish Kozus at the top of the tower by the flight path. |

r Repair|QID|9999|M|54.90,36.55|



On May 24, 2011, at 7:06 AM, Twists wrote:

I sitll can't change the guides on wow-pro, so here it is.

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