WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Recorder misparsing file

Emmaleah opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Executive Summary:l often discover wrong QID's in a guide, when using wow-pro recorder, but when I open the source file (out of game) the QID's are correct.

Yesterday, I was trying to pin down what was causing a differant error. (my guides would be visable under current guide window - in the menu --- but not in the frame where you work on them at---untess I turned scroll off or on-- an issue for another day if it comes back.) Anyway, I deleted my entire 6 directories of wow-pro saving only the guide.xml's and the guide files for MOP that I have written (i.e. the stuff not in the download) I then redownloaded and reinstalled. So, I have a fresh, clean installation. I also deleted WTF/Cache files (all but bartender4 which I hate resetting up). I also deleted TomTom and redownloaded and installed it. I thought I might of messed something up while trying to see if I could solve the "zone not found, using zone xxx". I figured a fresh file of all those things would help. And it did, the above mentioned bug went away.

Anyway, with my shiny clean install, I set out to test the townlong steppes guide, I had written. First I had done about 5 steps when I realized I hadn't turned off record. I clicked stop, then exited and reloaded the guide, turning off REC before I did anything this time. I was progressing through the guide and noticed many (most) steps had incorrect QID's so they were not checking off, but the waypoints and the order were correct. I have previously had problems with QID's "getting stuck" in a quest if I use the move up/down feature so I tend to avoid that and I know I was NOT moving steps last night when this happened.

I logged out of the char (to char select) and looked at the sorce file (in lua edit). The QID's appeared correct there. As a further test, I took the file into excel added a line counter and then parsed the lines. I, then sorted alpha by quest name. This is a way I have discovered to verify that every quest has a "A" step and a "T" step (minus any lead in/out quests). I verified that the order was conistent, i.e. "A" followed by "C"(s), followed by "T". I also compared with Wowhead and determined that all QID's were correct, as well as if all quests on wowhead were in the guide. It looked good, I did find some minor errors and corrected them.

I also noticed 2 lines missing |M|x,y| (a repair and a run to step) so I logged back in to find the correct coordinates. I loaded the game up with recorder on and noticed that some steps I had marked |NC| didn't have the gear and were missing the QO step. I got the coordinates I wanted and went back to edit the file (out of game). When I checked on the quests that should have the |NC|, they did, and they had the QO tag with the apprpriate text also. These were NOT showing up when I had recorder on.

I made my corrections and then logged back in, turning the recorder off at the char select sreen. The NC steps displayed correctly (with the gear, not the crossed sword). No clue as to the QO part since I wasn't currently on that quest.


I went back and made sure every line had a QID and this "bug" I've described above didn't happen on that specific loading of the guide. I wouldnt say that it is 100% conclusive, but it does seem like a solution. Some steps (I think only repair steps) don't parse the QID, so it says "false" when I look at those lines in the recorder version of the guide. None of the "false" print a QID when I copy the data out of the recorder. Closing this as it seems to be a case of user error.


since a picture is worth 1000 words... this is an excerpt of the Kun-Lai guide that I was changing to add use of hearth stone for.

Guide when viewed in LUA editor (i.e. source file)
F Zouchin Village|M|76.17,11.38|CC|N|Talk to Mishi for a ride back to the village.|
T Prophet Khar'zul|QID|31228|M|62.30,29.01|N|To Lorewalker Cho.|
r Repair/Restock|M|63.38,30.69|;currently the blacksmith is bugged and doesnt repair.

H One Keg|QID|99999|N|Fly if you didnt reset your hearthstone earlier.|
A The Burlap Trail: To Burlap Waystation|QID|30592|M|58.04,61.49|N|From Brother Lintpocket.|
A The Rabbitsfoot|QID|30602|M|58.04,61.49|N|From Brother Lintpocket.|
C Roadside Assistance|QID|30617|M|58.76,62.49|
C The Burlap Trail: To Burlap Waystation|QID|30592|M|53.14,66.57|
C The Rabitsfoot|QID|30602||M|49.07,70.42|N|He is hanging from a tree.|
A The Broketooth Ravage|QID|30603|M|49.07,70.42|N|From Brother Rabbitsfoot.|
C The Broketooth Ravage|QID|30603|M|48.01,73.34|

Guide when copy/pasted out of the recorder window:
F Zouchin Village|QID|30820|M|76.17,11.38|N|Talk to Mishi for a ride back to the village.|
T Prophet Khar'zul|QID|30820|M|62.30,29.01|N|To Lorewalker Cho.|
r Repair/Restock|QID|31228|NC|QO|Speak with Mishi in Zouchin Village|M|63.38,30.69|
H One Keg|QID|99999|
A The Burlap Trail: To Burlap Waystation|QID|99999|M|58.04,61.49|N|From Brother Lintpocket.|
A The Rabbitsfoot|QID|99999|M|58.04,61.49|N|From Brother Lintpocket.|
C Roadside Assistance|QID|99999|M|58.76,62.49|
C The Burlap Trail: To Burlap Waystation|QID|99999|M|53.14,66.57|
C The Rabitsfoot|QID|30592|M|49.07,70.42|N|He is hanging from a tree.|
A The Broketooth Ravage|QID|30602|M|49.07,70.42|N|From Brother Rabbitsfoot.|
C The Broketooth Ravage|QID|30617|M|48.01,73.34|

I dont even know where it gets these QID's from. What occured to me when i was looking at this is... is this why the instructions say that every step needs a QID? If you leave it out, it does wonky things like this, even when there is no QID applicable (like use 99999 like I did for the H step)? I thought every step needed a QID so it would complete, which is why I used a |CC|. I will go back and test that.