WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


levels for MOP

Emmaleah opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Laotsu made a comment about changing the level on Townlong, which is fine with me, I just wanted to open a dialog on what the levels should be. I leveled my first two, when it was easy, (i.ei hit 90 part way thru Kun Lai) The next two were 87 or so when the changes happened, so it didnt affect them that much. Still hit 90 before the end of Townlong. My last two were made after the new Jade Forest was introduced and are currently 89 and entering Twonlong. THis is in part due to the fact that they had prolly a month of rested XP becuase I made them and only did Jade Forest with the Horde char, then they both got 2 weeks rest while I went on vacation. I came back and did alliance Jade Forest mid august, then went to the 90s and did Townlong/DreadWaste while they got more rested. (I didnt do it to get the rested, that was just what happened) Im explaining this to say why I have the levels on it I have.
I was also in a lvl 25 guild for all but my first two horde (who didnt hit 90 till almost the end of kun lei)

I am thinking it should prolly be,,,
85-86 Jade Forest
86-87 Valley4Winds
87-87 Krasarang
87-88 Kun-Lai Summit
88-89 Townlong Steppes
89-90 Dread Wastes

I think this would solve the annoying problem I have when sorting by reverse order, currently it puts Townlong Ahead of Dread Wastes, I mean on the leveling tab it looks like this
89-90 Townlong Steppes
89-90 Dread Wastes
88-89 Kun-Lai Summit
87-88 Krasarang
86-87 Valley4Winds
85-86 Jade Forest
(thats how I always find the guide I want, much faster than scrolling to the end)

The only problem I have with this is I have people picking up a quest at Winters Blossom (better drad than dread) that requires lvl 89. This quest when you pick it up, also gives you the flight path to do it (serpant spine) Apparently the other quests to visit Brewmaster Li dont grant that fp automatically. (per stuff on forums) So, it seems a quest that you have to pick up that requires lvl 89 shouldnt really be part of a guide called 87-88.

Thoughts, comments?