WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


WoW-Pro Crashes wow since 5.3.0 patch

ishirra opened this issue ยท 15 comments


Since this patch, when selecting a guide WoW becomes unresponsive and crashes. I can't provide a LUA error, because non is shown due to the game freezing up and then crashing.

Two other people (family) who use different computers/addons have the same problem.


The problem seems to occur with the below. Prior to this,everything loaded fine. After this, it locked up on some guides. I was doing 87_88_Emmaleah_KrasarangWilds.

Date: 2 weeks ago (Thu May 09 16:03:28 2013)
Commit hash: 2ebaa91
Children: c3ab8a4
Parent(s): 4781414

Lets check M coords at parse time.

Contained in branches: master
Contained in no tag


the daily guide for Isel Of Thunder make the game crash too, when you load it up.


WoW-Pro freezes WoW entirely when I try to select Leveling guides for the following zones:

The Wandering Isle
The Jade Forest
Valley of the Four Winds
Karasang Wilds
Kun-Lai Summit

All the other leveling guides appear to be working just fine.


Not that there is anything I can do to help, but I am trying to help troubleshoot. Are all problems occurring in Pandaria/with Pandaria guides?


Just any guides. I think as I went down the list the first to lock up was the 4th or 5th guide starter zone. Can't remember which one. Also, I think I pinpointed where the issue is occurring (listed above) but haven't had time to look into a work around


You can replace the offending function in WoWPro_Mapping.lua with the code below.

Caveat: the line parameter always appears to be nil for some reason, and converting nil to a string for printing is causing the game to lock up. Therefore, I removed it from the log statement.

function WoWPro:ValidateMapCoords(guide,line,coords)
    for jcoord in string.gmatch(coords, "[^;]+") do
        local x, y = string.match(jcoord, "([^,]*),(.*)")
        if x == nil or tonumber(x) == nil or tonumber(x) > 100 or y == nil or tonumber(y) == nil or tonumber(y) > 100 then
            WoWPro:Error("Bad coordinate %s in guide %s.",jcoord,guide)

Here's a list of output for all of the horde leveling guides:

Bad coordinate 31.95,13.21. in guide EmmJad8586.
Bad coordinate S in guide EmmKra8788.
Bad coordinate US in guide EmmKra8788.

I didn't find any errors in alliance leveling guides.


When replacing that code, the game no longer crashes, but the guide isn't showing up in the box either. I just get the title bar and nothing else...


jasonrose posted earlier about commenting out line 228 in the WoWPro_Parser.lua which does allow the guides to be used if you're looking for a quick and dirty workaround. I dunno if this causes any problems down the line but it at least got things working for me. :) After edit line should read:



Still doesn't fix things for me, it keeps crashing my game.
I guess I have to keep using the previous version, which works fine, untill the next update and hope it's fixed by then.
I tried posting the bug on the site but it doesn't appear on the site even after a week so....


Still locks up with the latest version.


change line 228 in the parser to:


This should fix it.


Yep. Thanks Twists. That line change got mine working, at least for Krasarang Wilds, havent tried the others. And have only taking the first 5 steps of the guide. But so far so good.


As far as I can tell, it should get you through the rest of the pandarian leveling guides. There are some other issues and other places that will cause it to lock up again if the right circumstances hit.


Issue has been addressed.
The root cause was a memory corruption error that Blizzard had to fix.
I worked around it using a variation of Twists change that still preserved the error message.
The guide that were having problems were ones with errors in them, and I fixed the errors in the guides as well.