WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


FPS drops when WoWPro addon is enabled.

ishirra opened this issue ยท 10 comments


When the addon isn't enabled I have an FPS of 50 - 80. When enabled, and after doing a few quests, it drops to 2 - 10 which is not really playable. When disabling the addon, the FPS goes up right away. This happens to me in all Pandaria leveling guides.

I tried to look at the debug log, to see if that would provide anything. Upon clicking to show the log, it first froze my WoW and then my entire computer, forcing me to reboot.


Any updates, ishirra?


The picture i put up there, was taken when the addon was acting normal. I was waiting for the problem to happen again but so far the FPS drops haven't happened again.
I open up my laptop once a month to clean it out, so overheating wasn't the problem. I have a sensor and my temp never really goes over 65c in raids....
Well I'm hoping it was just two addons clashing, and it might have been solved without knowing by now. If not, I will keep you updated.


Please try the development version of the addon at :

and be sure to disable the recorder, or you will get confused. I updated all of the support libraries, which I forgot to do after 5.4 was released. Some were VERY stale.

Also the addon saves a copy of the latest log in your world of warcraft directory. You can get it at:

/Applications/World of Warcraft/WTF/Account/6666666#1/SavedVariables/WoWPro.lua
C:\Program files (x86)\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\6666666#1\SavedVariables\WoWPro.lua

Just send me that file. If you want to be even more helpful. Download and install this addon:

and then left click on the minimap button that looks like a computer with a red wave on it and select "CPU profiling". Then quit out of WoW and start it again. It will be monitoring your FPS and collecting data on all your addons. To see a report, just bring the mouse over the minimap button. Send me a screenshot of things that are bad.


I am installing the addons you suggested. Where do i send the File and screenshots?


You should be able to right click and paste the image here.

Put the text file in your Gist area and then put the link here.


The FPS drops didn't happen anymore, I posted a comment about that on the site (also using ishirra)

the lua file, you can find it here.



Was WoWPro loaded? I'm suprised to not see it on the list at all...
Were you using the development version of the addon?

The only bad thing I see in the log is many of suppressed guide updates to to UNIT_AURA changes.
Oh, and you got to one of my favorite quests [The Day that Deathwing Came]!


I'm not sure that I was, I am using it now atm.
It was loaded, on the top you can see the box (I'm doing the badlands guide with that char atm)

I'm on my shammy now, in Kun-lai Summit. As you can see WoWPro is loaded, but still not showing in the log




It's showing up now


Wow, this is interesting. Your CPU utilization is less than 4% and yet you have a very low frame-rate.

I don't think this is a WoWPro problem, it is literally at the bottom of the list for both CPU and memory usage.

So, it is more likely to be either a video card driver or WoW configuration problem or even overheating!

would you mind looking at and seeing if that helps?