WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Scrolling through normal guide frame

CodingDino opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Would like to be able to scroll through full guide without having to right click and go to current guide full view. Additionally would like hidden steps to be view-able (optional, completed, unsticky, etc).



Working on this now.


Um, so after a few hours of figuring out how to do this... it worked pretty much perfectly once I got everything in place. Still needs a lot of testing, but here you are! The option to enable scrolling is in with the other display options.


Looks like this causes a little bit of a stutter when updating the guide, and a HUGE amount of lag when moving a long way in the guide. Will see if I can improve it some.


This only seems to happen after having the guide open for a long time and scrolling through a bunch of things. Still, I might try to improve it in the future, or if someone else wants to look into optimizing this a bit, that'd be cool too.


So far, so good, but I'll work the buggy lag issue and see what my experience is. So far I absolutely love it and can't thank you enough. It really does make editing the guides incredibly easier.


For a temporary fix, throwing a /reload clears all accumulated memory garbage and fixes the lag.


That must be why I haven't noticed much. I've been /reloading like mad.

But I did notice that if I have a guide up and try to scroll say, top to bottom really fast, it does lag everything - including my animated graphics in game, such as the grass or whatever.


Yeah. I'm not treating it as urgent since it will only be experienced by developers, mostly, and you guys know how to deal with it. I do want to try and fix it eventually though.


This might take us a bit longer to implement, but could definitely be something added in a later version. I know you want it NOW, Matt - but I'm gonna have to keep ya waiting a bit longer on this one.


Another solution to this would be having the opportunity to assign a hotkey to bring up the full guide display in its current window and format. I don't mind it being in a different window so much as having to navigate multiple clicks to get to where I need to go on a regular basis.


NOW? Aw... I never said that...


That would indeed be easier to do and I could get it done sooner :)