WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Alliance Gnome/Dwarf starter zone list corrupted

Aldavor opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Seems as though the auto-sync has pulled in both the gnome and dwarf starter zones as a single file, causing a corruption on (actual) line 454 in file: WoWPro_Leveling/Alliance/01_05_Gylin_Gnome_Starter.lua:

+A Bound for Kharanos|QID|26380|M|49.91,44.98|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Run along the road heading (kinda) east into Dun Morogh and get this from Ciara Deepstone.|
+R Kharanos|QID|26373|M|53.00,48.32|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Follow the path East/South-East to get to Kharanos.|
+Source Code - Dwarf Starter (01-05)
+local guide = WoWPro:RegisterGuide("GylDwa0105","Leveling", "Coldridge Valley (Dwarf)", "Gylin - Dwarf", "Alliance")

OK. Testing guide updater fix.


Ripped out the uodated fix and fixed the web site instead,