WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


game crash at step to set Gorgrond inn hearth in Gorgrond guide

toonska opened this issue · 29 comments



I go to click the step in the Gorgrond guide to set my hearth at Beastwatch and it crashes the whole game. It is a repeatable bug 100% of the time. I can't find any logs even though I turned it on. No error message appears, just freezes the game. Have to close the game by tabbing around in the task manager since the mouse is still controlled by the game.

If there's anything I can provide just ask.



143728.0000 ~ WoWPro: Enabled: Version 6.2.0D
143728.0001 ~ WoWPro: PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD() InitLockdown=false
143728.0002 ~ WoWPro: Setting Timer PEW/CS
143729.0003 ~ WoWPro: QUEST_LOG_UPDATE() InitLockdown=true
143729.0004 ~ WoWPro: UNIT_AURA("player") InitLockdown=true
143729.0005 ~ WoWPro: QUEST_LOG_UPDATE() InitLockdown=true
143729.0006 ~ WoWPro: QUEST_LOG_UPDATE() InitLockdown=false
143729.0007 ~ WoWPro: ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA() InitLockdown=false
143730.0008 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:PopulateQuestLog()
143730.0009 ~ WoWPro: New Quest 33374: [Path of the Mistwalker]
143730.0010 ~ WoWPro: New Quest 29452: [Your Time Has Come]
143730.0011 ~ WoWPro: New Quest 35707: [Tangleheart]
143730.0012 ~ WoWPro: New Quest 35667: [Skulltakers in Crimson Fen]
143730.0013 ~ WoWPro: New Quest 36474: [The Razorbloom]
143730.0014 ~ WoWPro: New Quest 33338: [Empowering the Hourglass]
143730.0015 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(1,1)
143730.0016 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro.CompleteStep
143730.0017 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(1,1)
143730.0018 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:MapPoint1(48,45.98,69.23@Gorgrond=949/0)
143730.0019 ~ WoWPro: MapPoint: LastMapPoint=48 [45.98,69.23@949/0] in Gorgrond. No update needed.
143730.0020 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro:LoadGuideSteps()
143730.0021 ~ WoWPro: QUEST_LOG_UPDATE() InitLockdown=false
143730.0022 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:PopulateQuestLog()
143730.0023 ~ WoWPro: Running WoWPro:UpdateQuestTracker()
143730.0024 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from QUEST_LOG_UPDATE
143730.0025 ~ WoWPro: Running: UpdateGuideReal(), WoWPro Version 6.2.0D.
143730.0026 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(1,1)
143730.0027 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
143730.0028 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(49,2)
143730.0029 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(50,3)
143730.0030 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(158,4)
143730.0031 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(159,5)
143730.0032 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(177,6)
143730.0033 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(203,7)
143730.0034 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(213,8)
143730.0035 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(214,9)
143730.0036 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(215,10)
143730.0037 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(219,11)
143730.0038 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(220,12)
143730.0039 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(222,13)
143730.0040 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(223,14)
143730.0041 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(226,15)
143730.0042 ~ WoWPro: Running WoWPro:UpdateQuestTracker()
143730.0043 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
143730.0044 ~ WoWPro: MapPoint: LastMapPoint=48 [45.98,69.23@949/0] in Gorgrond. No update needed.
143945.0045 ~ WoWPro: CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM("[Naridoria] has come online.", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 7, nil, 0, false, false, false) InitLockdown=false
144254.0046 ~ WoWPro: CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM("Majexs has gone offline.", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 12, nil, 0, false, false, false) InitLockdown=false
144431.0047 ~ WoWPro: CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM("[Megalion] has come online.", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 13, nil, 0, false, false, false) InitLockdown=false
144546.0048 ~ WoWPro: CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM("Megalion has gone offline.", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 14, nil, 0, false, false, false) InitLockdown=false
144614.0049 ~ WoWPro: CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM("[Majexs] has come online.", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 16, nil, 0, false, false, false) InitLockdown=false
144658.0050 ~ WoWPro: Initializing Guide EmmGorgrond.
144658.0051 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:PopulateQuestLog()
144658.0052 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro:LoadGuideSteps()
144658.0053 ~ WoWPro: Running: UpdateGuideReal(), WoWPro Version 6.2.0D.
144658.0054 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(1,1)
144658.0055 ~ WoWPro: Action=L|Step=Level 92|M0=45.98,69.23|M1=46.07,69.50|Error=0.28|QID=-99|Vers=6.2.0D|Guide=EmmGorgrond
144658.0056 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro.CompleteStep
144658.0057 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
144658.0058 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:MapPoint1(48,45.98,69.23@Gorgrond=949/0)
144658.0059 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
144658.0060 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(49,2)
144658.0061 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(50,3)
144658.0062 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(158,4)
144658.0063 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(159,5)
144658.0064 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(177,6)
144658.0065 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(203,7)
144658.0066 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(213,8)
144658.0067 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(214,9)
144658.0068 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(215,10)
144658.0069 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(219,11)
144658.0070 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(220,12)
144658.0071 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(222,13)
144658.0072 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(223,14)
144658.0073 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(226,15)
144658.0074 ~ WoWPro: Running WoWPro:UpdateQuestTracker()
144658.0075 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
144658.0076 ~ WoWPro: MapPoint: LastMapPoint=48 [45.98,69.23@949/0] in Gorgrond. No update needed.
144702.0077 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:PopulateQuestLog()
144702.0078 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro:LoadGuideSteps()
144703.0079 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:PopulateQuestLog()
144703.0080 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro:LoadGuideSteps()
144704.0081 ~ WoWPro: Running: UpdateGuideReal(), WoWPro Version 6.2.0D.
144704.0082 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(1,1)
144704.0083 ~ WoWPro: Action=L|Step=Level 92|M0=45.98,69.23|M1=46.07,69.50|Error=0.28|QID=-99|Vers=6.2.0D|Guide=EmmGorgrond
144704.0084 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro.CompleteStep
144704.0085 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
144704.0086 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:MapPoint1(48,45.98,69.23@Gorgrond=949/0)
144704.0087 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
144704.0088 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(49,2)
144704.0089 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(50,3)
144704.0090 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(158,4)
144704.0091 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(159,5)
144704.0092 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(177,6)
144704.0093 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(203,7)
144704.0094 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(213,8)
144704.0095 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(214,9)
144704.0096 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(215,10)
144704.0097 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(219,11)
144704.0098 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(220,12)
144704.0099 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(222,13)
144704.0100 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(223,14)
144704.0101 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(226,15)
144704.0102 ~ WoWPro: Running WoWPro:UpdateQuestTracker()
144704.0103 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
144704.0104 ~ WoWPro: MapPoint: LastMapPoint=48 [45.98,69.23@949/0] in Gorgrond. No update needed.
144704.0105 ~ WoWPro: Initializing Guide EmmGorgrond.
144705.0106 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:PopulateQuestLog()
144705.0107 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro:LoadGuideSteps()
144706.0108 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:PopulateQuestLog()
144706.0109 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro:LoadGuideSteps()
144707.0110 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:PopulateQuestLog()
144707.0111 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro:LoadGuideSteps()
144707.0112 ~ WoWPro: Running: UpdateGuideReal(), WoWPro Version 6.2.0D.
144707.0113 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(1,1)
144707.0114 ~ WoWPro: Action=L|Step=Level 92|M0=45.98,69.23|M1=46.07,69.50|Error=0.28|QID=-99|Vers=6.2.0D|Guide=EmmGorgrond
144707.0115 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro.CompleteStep
144707.0116 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
144707.0117 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:MapPoint1(48,45.98,69.23@Gorgrond=949/0)
144707.0118 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
144707.0119 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(49,2)
144707.0120 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(50,3)
144707.0121 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(158,4)
144707.0122 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(159,5)
144707.0123 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(177,6)
144707.0124 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(203,7)
144707.0125 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(213,8)
144707.0126 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(214,9)
144707.0127 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(215,10)
144707.0128 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(219,11)
144707.0129 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(220,12)
144707.0130 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(222,13)
144707.0131 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(223,14)
144707.0132 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(226,15)
144707.0133 ~ WoWPro: Running WoWPro:UpdateQuestTracker()
144707.0134 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
144707.0135 ~ WoWPro: MapPoint: LastMapPoint=48 [45.98,69.23@949/0] in Gorgrond. No update needed.
144710.0136 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:PopulateQuestLog()
144710.0137 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro:LoadGuideSteps()
144710.0138 ~ WoWPro: Running: UpdateGuideReal(), WoWPro Version 6.2.0D.
144710.0139 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(1,1)
144710.0140 ~ WoWPro: Action=L|Step=Level 92|M0=45.98,69.23|M1=46.07,69.50|Error=0.28|QID=-99|Vers=6.2.0D|Guide=EmmGorgrond
144710.0141 ~ WoWPro: Signaled for UpdateGuide from WoWPro.CompleteStep
144710.0142 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
144710.0143 ~ WoWPro: WoWPro:MapPoint1(48,45.98,69.23@Gorgrond=949/0)
144710.0144 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
144710.0145 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(49,2)
144710.0146 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(50,3)
144710.0147 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(158,4)
144710.0148 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(159,5)
144710.0149 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(177,6)
144710.0150 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(203,7)
144710.0151 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(213,8)
144710.0152 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(214,9)
144710.0153 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(215,10)
144710.0154 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(219,11)
144710.0155 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(220,12)
144710.0156 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(222,13)
144710.0157 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(223,14)
144710.0158 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(226,15)
144710.0159 ~ WoWPro: Running WoWPro:UpdateQuestTracker()
144710.0160 ~ WoWPro: Called WoWPro.NextStep(48,1)
144710.0161 ~ WoWPro: MapPoint: LastMapPoint=48 [45.98,69.23@949/0] in Gorgrond. No update needed.
144724.0162 ~ WoWPro: LoadAllGuides: 153 guides scheduled to load.
144724.0163 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmFrostfire
144725.0164 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyBla5560
144725.0165 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JamBor7173
144725.0166 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyWin5055
144725.0167 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoBringingBass
144725.0168 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading ScoZul7778
144725.0169 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiySou3035
144725.0170 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyFel4550
144725.0171 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading SnoEve0512
144725.0172 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmVal8688
144725.0173 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading CraToBarH
144725.0174 ~ WoWPro: Line 42 in guide CraToBarH has only 2 sections.
144725.0175 ~ WoWPro: Guide CraToBarH has no icon.
144725.0176 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading WkjNor2530
144725.0177 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading CraShoOra
144725.0178 ~ WoWPro: Guide CraShoOra has no icon.
144725.0179 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JamDra7375
144725.0180 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JamGriH7577
144725.0181 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading SnoSun0105
144725.0182 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading CraEas4045
144725.0183 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmFluc_DarkPortal
144725.0184 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Assault on the Dark Portal
144725.0185 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmPetBattles
144725.0186 ~ WoWPro: Guide EmmPetBattles has no icon.
144725.0187 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading ScoIce8080
144725.0188 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmDre8990
144725.0189 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading BitAsh2025
144725.0190 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiCared
144725.0191 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Maelstrom
144725.0192 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EstGoldLotus
144725.0193 ~ WoWPro: Guide EstGoldLotus has no icon.
144725.0194 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmKra8788
144725.0195 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading WkjCap3035
144726.0196 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyUng5055
144726.0197 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmTow8990
144726.0198 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoHallowNOR
144726.0199 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoHallowNOR has no icon.
144726.0200 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoGarrCampaign
144726.0201 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiFirstAid
144726.0202 ~ WoWPro: Line 28 in guide TwiFirstAid has only 1 sections.
144726.0203 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:First Aid
144726.0204 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiFirstAid has no icon.
144726.0205 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiySto2530
144726.0206 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading ScoSto7980
144726.0207 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading KatMThunderKing
144726.0208 ~ WoWPro: Guide KatMThunderKing has no icon.
144726.0209 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading BitDur0512
144726.0210 ~ WoWPro: Guide BitDur0512 has no icon.
144726.0211 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiDarkmoon
144726.0212 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiDarkmoon has no icon.
144726.0213 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiExpBT
144726.0214 ~ WoWPro: Line 132 in guide TwiExpBT has only 1 sections.
144726.0215 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiInscription
144726.0216 ~ WoWPro: Line 9 in guide TwiInscription has only 1 sections.
144726.0217 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Inscription
144726.0218 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiInscription has no icon.
144726.0219 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwoToadSqu
144726.0220 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiHerbalism
144726.0221 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Herbalism
144726.0222 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiHerbalism has no icon.
144726.0223 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmAchLost
144726.0224 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmJad8586
144726.0225 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading Arihyj8082
144726.0226 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoShopAlchemy
144726.0227 ~ WoWPro: Line 41 in guide LudoShopAlchemy has only 1 sections.
144726.0228 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Alchemy
144726.0229 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoShopAlchemy has no icon.
144726.0230 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmAugCel
144726.0231 ~ WoWPro: Guide EmmAugCel has no icon.
144726.0232 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoShopEnchanting
144726.0233 ~ WoWPro: Line 166 in guide LudoShopEnchanting has only 1 sections.
144726.0234 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Enchanting
144726.0235 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoShopEnchanting has no icon.
144726.0236 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoKaluak
144726.0237 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoKaluak has no icon.
144726.0238 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoHallowPanH
144726.0239 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoHallowPanH has no icon.
144726.0240 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JamTer6567
144726.0241 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JamNag6769
144726.0242 ~ WoWPro: Line 243 in guide JamNag6769 has only 2 sections.
144726.0243 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoShopJewelcrafting
144727.0244 ~ WoWPro: Line 775 in guide LudoShopJewelcrafting has only 1 sections.
144727.0245 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Jewelcrafting
144727.0246 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoShopJewelcrafting has no icon.
144727.0247 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JamZan6365
144727.0248 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoHallowKAL
144727.0249 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoHallowKAL has no icon.
144727.0250 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmShadoPan
144727.0251 ~ WoWPro: Guide EmmShadoPan has no icon.
144727.0252 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading BitDur0105
144727.0253 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoHallowOUT
144727.0254 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoHallowOUT has no icon.
144727.0255 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyTan4550
144727.0256 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading KabExpCata
144727.0257 ~ WoWPro: Line 95 in guide KabExpCata has only 1 sections.
144727.0258 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Cataclysm
144727.0259 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoHallowCAT
144727.0260 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Cataclysm
144727.0261 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoHallowCAT has no icon.
144727.0262 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoArgDawn
144727.0263 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoArgDawn has no icon.
144727.0264 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoHallowEK
144727.0265 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Eastern Kingdom
144727.0266 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoHallowEK has no icon.
144727.0267 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoPilBountyH
144727.0268 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Pilgrim's Bounty
144727.0269 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoPilBountyH has no icon.
144727.0270 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoWinterVeilH
144727.0271 ~ WoWPro: Line 39 in guide LudoWinterVeilH has only 2 sections.
144727.0272 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Winter Veil
144727.0273 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoWinterVeilH has no icon.
144727.0274 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoTreasure
144727.0275 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading FlucloTanaanJungle
144727.0276 ~ WoWPro: Guide FlucloTanaanJungle has no icon.
144727.0277 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading MalSil1220
144727.0278 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoEmpire
144727.0279 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EstAchUnVa
144727.0280 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoDalFish
144727.0281 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoDalFish has no icon.
144727.0282 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoDrake
144727.0283 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoDrake has no icon.
144727.0284 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyDk0105
144727.0285 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading CraNet6970
144727.0286 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiAlchemy
144727.0287 ~ WoWPro: Line 57 in guide TwiAlchemy has only 1 sections.
144727.0288 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Alchemy
144727.0289 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiAlchemy has no icon.
144727.0290 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading GylNar0105
144727.0291 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmTalador
144727.0292 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyDeeTher
144727.0293 ~ WoWPro: Guide JiyDeeTher has no icon.
144727.0294 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading KabExpOutland
144728.0295 ~ WoWPro: Line 139 in guide KabExpOutland has only 1 sections.
144728.0296 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoShopLeather
144728.0297 ~ WoWPro: Line 341 in guide LudoShopLeather has only 1 sections.
144728.0298 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Leatherworking
144728.0299 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoShopLeather has no icon.
144728.0300 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading AyaHil2025
144728.0301 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading SnoGho1221
144728.0302 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoHodir
144728.0303 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoHodir has no icon.
144728.0304 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading CraLunFesEldH
144728.0305 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Lunar Festival Elders Guide
144728.0306 ~ WoWPro: Guide CraLunFesEldH has no icon.
144728.0307 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmMidAch
144728.0308 ~ WoWPro: Step C [More Torch Tossing] has a bad Z|Midsummer Fire Festival| tag.
144728.0309 ~ WoWPro: Step C [More Torch Catching] has a bad Z|Midsummer Fire Festival| tag.
144728.0310 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Midsummer Fire Festival
144728.0311 ~ WoWPro: Guide EmmMidAch has no icon.
144728.0312 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoAnglers
144728.0313 ~ WoWPro: Line 39 in guide LudoAnglers has only 2 sections.
144728.0314 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoAnglers has no icon.
144728.0315 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiySil5560
144728.0316 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoPilgrimDailiesH
144728.0317 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Pilgrim's Bounty
144728.0318 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoPilgrimDailiesH has no icon.
144728.0319 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading BitNor1220
144728.0320 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoShopEngineering
144728.0321 ~ WoWPro: Line 59 in guide LudoShopEngineering has only 1 sections.
144728.0322 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Engineering
144728.0323 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoShopEngineering has no icon.
144728.0324 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyDur0105
144728.0325 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JamHow7071
144728.0326 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiBlacksmithing
144728.0327 ~ WoWPro: Step B [Plans: Contender's Revenant Breastplace] has a bad Z|Shrine of Two Moons| tag.
144728.0328 ~ WoWPro: Line 65 in guide TwiBlacksmithing has only 1 sections.
144728.0329 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Blacksmithing
144728.0330 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiBlacksmithing has no icon.
144728.0331 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoDomOffence
144728.0332 ~ WoWPro: Step T [Find Thrall!] has a bad Z|ValleyofTrialsStart| tag.
144728.0333 ~ WoWPro: Step A [The Horde Is Family] has a bad Z|ValleyofTrialsStart| tag.
144728.0334 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoDomOffence has no icon.
144728.0335 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmKun8889
144728.0336 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Kun-Lai Summit
144728.0337 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmCloud
144728.0338 ~ WoWPro: Guide EmmCloud has no icon.
144728.0339 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading AriDee8283
144728.0340 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoExpKalimdor
144728.0341 ~ WoWPro: Line 286 in guide LudoExpKalimdor has only 2 sections.
144728.0342 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoShopTailoring
144728.0343 ~ WoWPro: Line 219 in guide LudoShopTailoring has only 1 sections.
144728.0344 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Tailoring
144728.0345 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoShopTailoring has no icon.
144728.0346 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading CraSea4850
144728.0347 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoShopBlacksmithing
144728.0348 ~ WoWPro: Line 308 in guide LudoShopBlacksmithing has only 1 sections.
144728.0349 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Blacksmithing
144728.0350 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoShopBlacksmithing has no icon.
144728.0351 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmSoArak
144728.0352 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading GylMul0512
144729.0353 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiPebble
144729.0354 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoDraenorLoots
144729.0355 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoBuildingsHorde
144729.0356 ~ WoWPro: 93:Step C [Big Frostfire Gun] has an empty value for tag |N|.
144729.0357 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoArgCrusade
144729.0358 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoArgCrusade has no icon.
144729.0359 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoWyrmrest
144729.0360 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoWyrmrest has no icon.
144729.0361 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoTimeless
144729.0362 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoTimeless has no icon.
144729.0363 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoShopInscription
144729.0364 ~ WoWPro: Line 7 in guide LudoShopInscription has only 1 sections.
144729.0365 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Inscription
144729.0366 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoShopInscription has no icon.
144729.0367 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LiaBad4548
144729.0368 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyHin3035
144729.0369 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading AriVasH8082
144729.0370 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Vash'jir
144729.0371 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyFer3540
144729.0372 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyDes3035
144729.0373 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiLeather
144729.0374 ~ WoWPro: Line 9 in guide TwiLeather has only 1 sections.
144729.0375 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Leatherworking
144729.0376 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiLeather has no icon.
144729.0377 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading Lorewalkers
144729.0378 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiShattSun
144729.0379 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiShattSun has no icon.
144729.0380 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiSkinning
144729.0381 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Skinning
144729.0382 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiSkinning has no icon.
144729.0383 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JamHel6063
144729.0384 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoSkyguard
144729.0385 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoSkyguard has no icon.
144729.0386 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiTailoring
144729.0387 ~ WoWPro: Line 65 in guide TwiTailoring has only 1 sections.
144729.0388 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Tailoring
144729.0389 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiTailoring has no icon.
144729.0390 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading BitAzs1220
144729.0391 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyDus3540
144729.0392 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiUldRam
144729.0393 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiUldRam has no icon.
144729.0394 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LiaBur5052
144729.0395 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading IronHordeInvasionH
144729.0396 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading ScoSho7879
144729.0397 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiEnchanting
144729.0398 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Enchanting
144729.0399 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiEnchanting has no icon.
144729.0400 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiExpEK
144730.0401 ~ WoWPro: Line 335 in guide TwiExpEK has only 2 sections.
144730.0402 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JamBla6970
144730.0403 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading AriUld8384
144730.0404 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiJewelcrafting
144730.0405 ~ WoWPro: Line 9 in guide TwiJewelcrafting has only 1 sections.
144730.0406 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Jewelcrafting
144730.0407 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiJewelcrafting has no icon.
144730.0408 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LiaTwi8485
144730.0409 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyTho4045
144730.0410 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiEngineering
144730.0411 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Engineering
144730.0412 ~ WoWPro: Guide TwiEngineering has no icon.
144730.0413 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading CraToBarPH
144730.0414 ~ WoWPro: Guide CraToBarPH has no icon.
144730.0415 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EstFirelands
144730.0416 ~ WoWPro: Guide EstFirelands has no icon.
144730.0417 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoDalCook
144730.0418 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoDalCook has no icon.
144730.0419 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading WayKlaxxi
144730.0420 ~ WoWPro: Guide WayKlaxxi has no icon.
144730.0421 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoLoveH
144730.0422 ~ WoWPro: Line 59 in guide LudoLoveH has only 2 sections.
144730.0423 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Love is in the Air
144730.0424 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoLoveH has no icon.
144730.0425 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyAra2530
144730.0426 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading TwiGlop
144730.0427 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading CraSha7070H
144730.0428 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmNagrand
144730.0429 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmTillers
144730.0430 ~ WoWPro: Guide EmmTillers has no icon.
144730.0431 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyTir0512
144730.0432 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EstAchGlor
144730.0433 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:MoP Zones
144730.0434 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoEbonBlade
144730.0435 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoEbonBlade has no icon.
144730.0436 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LiaSwa5255
144730.0437 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading CraShoFre
144730.0438 ~ WoWPro: Guide CraShoFre has no icon.
144730.0439 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EmmGorgrond
144730.0440 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading JiyWes3540
144730.0441 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading EstAchHiLe
144730.0442 ~ WoWPro: Test Loading LudoShopCook
144730.0443 ~ WoWPro: Line 272 in guide LudoShopCook has only 1 sections.
144730.0444 ~ WoWPro: Invalid guide zone:Cooking
144730.0445 ~ WoWPro: Guide LudoShopCook has no icon.
144731.0446 ~ WoWPro: Finished loading guides.
144731.0447 ~ WoWPro: Exiting coroutine.
144731.0448 ~ WoWPro: 153 Done! 0 A, 40 N, 67 H guides present


If the game crashes, it means we are tickling a bug in the client.
Are you running Windows or OS X?
Would you mind updating to Version 6.2.0E ?


Windows 8.1 and I believe I am up to date but I'm not at home to check.
I'll be home at 6 EDT when I can make sure.
On Aug 10, 2015 11:11 AM, "Ludovicus Maior" [email protected]

If the game crashes, it means we are tickling a bug in the client.
Are you running Windows or OS X?
Would you mind updating to Version 6.2.0E ?

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#430 (comment)


I updated to 6.2.0E and it happens at the step before it now. Getting the flight path.


OK. It does sound like a memory corruption issue. If we are lucky, we can work around it.

I will assume that you have followed the procedures at and the result is the same.

If you have crash logs, please post them here. The instructions are here:

Can you get me a list of all the addons you are running?

Does the error happen with just the WoWPro + TomTom + Swatter addons selected?

I have a toon that I have not yet taken into Gorgrond, and a machine I just upgraded to Windows 10, so I can try reproducing your problem. Alliance or Horde, BTW?

PS: Love the Samurai Jack logo!


1.I did most of those
5.Both Alliance and Horde, but the toon this is happening to is Horde :P
6. Thank you. I love Samurai Jack


Sweet Jesu, I thought I had alot of addons!
The crash log is, ugh, rather long. I'll get back to you tomorrow morning when things are quiet at work.
My toon is Alliance, but if it is a WoW client problem, it probably does not matter.

Thanks for the thorough info-dump.


OK. Am I correct that the document in #2 was not a crash log, but the MSINFO log? I was hoping for a "Game Error Log", look a little father down the page on .


Yes. In the blizzard support they ask for an msinfo log. So that was my
misunderstanding. I can try to get a game error log for you.
On Aug 11, 2015 5:15 PM, "Ludovicus Maior" [email protected] wrote:

OK. Am I correct that the document in #2
#2 was not a crash log,
but the MSINFO log? I was hoping for a "Game Error Log", look a little
father down the page on .

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#430 (comment)


No problem, I should have said I did not need the MSINFO file. I suspect the Blizzard folks ask for it just to check if your machine is strange.

Great. They come in pairs: a .txt file and a .dmp file. I need them both.
I just set up a windows debugger environment, so I should be able to process the dmp file.


I tried to get the error to happen but I don't know if I captured it. I went to task manager and created the dump file from the wow process then did the bug...

Not sure if that's how it works but judge for yourself.


Cool. I'll analyze the file when I get home from work around 16:00EDT.


Well, It looks like you got a dump from a running WoW process, so there is no exception information.
The .dmp files that I want would be in the Errors folder in your "World of Warcraft" applications folders, as per the instructions.


I understood the instructions but there was no .dmp or anything in that
folder so I thought I would create one hoping the error would show. I guess
not then eh?
On Aug 12, 2015 7:36 PM, "Ludovicus Maior" [email protected] wrote:

Well, It looks like you got a dump from a running WoW process, so there is
no exception information.
The .dmp files that I want would be in the Errors folder in your "World of
Warcraft" applications folders, as per the instructions.

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#430 (comment)


OK. So do you have the capacity to make a movie of the crash and send that in?
If not, a step-by-step description would be good with screen-captures.


I was thinking the same thing. Sorry it took so long, fumbling with screen recording software takes time apparently.


Perfect. Was that a right or left click at the step?


The finally step before the freeze is a left click.
On Aug 14, 2015 6:22 AM, "Ludovicus Maior" [email protected] wrote:

Perfect. Was that a right or left click at the step?

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#430 (comment)


Just out of curiosity, while I attempt to reproduce. What happens if you right click?


it skips the step, which means I can continue on with the guide but that
flight path step is one scary step to click on still :P

On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Ludovicus Maior [email protected]

Just out of curiosity, while I attempt to reproduce. What happens if you
right click?

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#430 (comment)


OK. Thats good, because the code for the left click is much more complicated and likely to generate temporary strings. I suspect it is trying to build up a big nasty dialog box saying "Do you really want to skip everything?". It also means it is likely I can reproduce it by left clicking on other steps in other guides.

That step is also interesting in that one of QIDs is wrong and it has two. The code for handling skipping steps with multiple QIDs is recent.


What's weird to me is that it's happening on the inn step and now the
flight path step. Both steps that historically ignore the information they
try to convey. If your hearth is set to that place it's indifferent, you
always have to manually click through that step. Same with the flight path.
It doesn't care if you already have the flight path. I wonder if that has
anything to do with it..
On Aug 15, 2015 10:44 AM, "Ludovicus Maior" [email protected]

OK. Thats good, because the code for the left click is much more
complicated and likely to generate temporary strings. I suspect it is
trying to build up a big nasty dialog box saying "Do you really want to
skip everything?". It also means it is likely I can reproduce it by left
clicking on other steps in other guides.

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#430 (comment)


In a recent patch, some of the flight path names changed to have (Alliance) or (Horde) in their names, so the matching for flight points is broken.

So now those steps are showing up and being a problem. I can't seem to reproduce it here yet.
But if you are comfortable with an editor, could you try:


function WoWPro:CheckFunction(row, button, down)
    local GID = WoWProDB.char.currentguide
    WoWPro:dbp("WoWPro:CheckFunction: row %d button %s UD %s rowChecked %s",row.index, button, tostring(down), tostring(row.check:GetChecked()))
    if button == "LeftButton" and row.check:GetChecked() then
        WoWPro:dbp("WoWPro:CheckFunction: User marked step %d as skipped.", row.index)
        local steplist = WoWPro.SkipStep(row.index)
--      if steplist ~= "" then 
--          WoWPro:SkipStepDialogCall(row.index, steplist)
--      end

and then

function WoWPro:CheckFunction(row, button, down)
    local GID = WoWProDB.char.currentguide
    WoWPro:dbp("WoWPro:CheckFunction: row %d button %s UD %s rowChecked %s",row.index, button, tostring(down), tostring(row.check:GetChecked()))
    if button == "LeftButton" and row.check:GetChecked() then
        WoWPro:dbp("WoWPro:CheckFunction: User marked step %d as skipped.", row.index)
---     local steplist = WoWPro.SkipStep(row.index)
---     row.check:SetCheckedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check-Disabled")
---     if steplist ~= "" then 
---         WoWPro:SkipStepDialogCall(row.index, steplist)
---     end

Just a test to see if WoWPro.SkipStep() or WoWPro:SkipStepDialogCall() is the culprit


Hmm, the function SkipStep() has a recursive function inside.
I'm going to change it to not be recursive. Could be a stack overflow problem.


Please try the development version of the addon at:

It has a fix for the SkipStep() function. It used to use recursion, and could potentially overflow the LUA stack in the client. I also fixed a few bugs that prevented it from working correctly with quests with more the one quest ID.

Time to hit the beach!


Sorry I haven't gotten back to your until now. I meant to install this last
night and I forgot. I will tonight
On Aug 16, 2015 8:14 AM, "Ludovicus Maior" [email protected] wrote:

Please try the development version of the addon at:

It has a fix for the SkipStep() function. It used to use recursion, and
could potentially overflow the LUA stack in the client. I also fixed a few
bugs that prevented it from working correctly with quests with more the one
quest ID.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#430 (comment)


No problem. Real life happens.


Alright, so I went back and tested.

The version of wow-pro you suggested worked. It allows me to click through
that step no problem

Thank you for the help!

On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Ludovicus Maior [email protected]

No problem. Real life happens.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#430 (comment)


Woooo! I'll do a patch release on Thursday to include this fix. Thanks for your patience.
These kind of bugs are very hard to fix.