WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Feature: FLY tag

Belladonna993 opened this issue ยท 2 comments



  1. Potentially create a FLY tag that is able to check whether a player can fly in the current zone. The tag would cause a step to autocomplete if a player is able to fly.

  2. Do not use this tag on F steps. Instead, create a UI toggle that enables or disables F steps.


The logic behind this . as opposed to a spell tag is

  1. so can be done before spell id is known (i.e. now, while writing guides, rather than when pathfinder II is released in 6+months.
    2)authors don't have to know the spell id for each of the expansions, the parser takes care of that, and we only have to know one tag.

And the logic behind making a toggle for F steps instead of using the FLY tag is to give players more options. Some players may occasionally prefer taking flight points even when they can fly.