WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Load new guide dialog is not closing

gameldar opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I had this again last night so copying it across from the google sites - with the loading of the JamHin5050 Alliance guide

When you complete a guide and the dialog pops up giving you the choice to "Load Next Guide" or "Choose Guide From List". Selecting the "Load Next Guide" loaded the next guide but didn't close the dialog.

Selecting "Choose Guide From List" did close the dialog the first time I had this bug, but the second time this occurred neither button closed it.

The only other thing to note is I was having issues with the optional tag on quests (the completion steps weren't visible in the active guide) - so it might have been some sort of flow on from that.


Just realised there is already a bug for this, marking it as complete.


Closing out bug.