WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Guide frame not anchoring after logout

CodingDino opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Hi Jiyambi,

Been following this for a while on the WoW-Pro site & unless something has changed or i'm doing something wrong, the last couple of downloads from github no longer seem to save the guide display location. Seemed ok before but now everytime i log out it resets to the right hand side of the screen about half way down.

It's not a big problem, just a pain to reposition every login. Any Idea?

Also just like to add this is a fantastic guide addon. Used Tour Guide for years as it was imo way better than anything else out there (including Questhelper) & always wondered why it never really got the tweeks it deserved. 10/10 to everyone involved in this project, keep up the excellent work.



More info supplied, sounds like it needs looking into:

Sadly deleting the WTF files didnt solve the problem but after what seemed like hours (but was actually more like 20 mins hehe) of trial & error i think i might be able to shed some light on the cause (for me anyway).

Say i've just installed the addon for the 1st time i have no config set & just moving the guide window location saves fine. If i disable the drag option, again it saves fine. However, if i disable the drag option & enable the manual step option the guide window suddenly resets to the right side of the screen on the next log in.

Seems to be something to do with these 2 options & the way / combo they are enabled / disabled. I could reproduce this everytime once id figured this out.

Sorry for the long & poor description but hope this helps.



Can confirm that this combination causes the bug. No idea why, will look into it later but it's not game breaking, gonna work on some other features first.


So does ticking "Enable Drag" + ticking "Enable Resize" + move & resize + unticking both on my end.


Okay, so that helps a's the disabling resize that's the problem, nothing to do with manual steps.

I actually think I might know what's happening now, I'll see what I can do.


Got it :D Uploading to git, will be fixed in the next release version.


Very nice :)


Not sure what version this is relevant to, need to check if the problem is still happening.


I'm not able to reproduce the issue, closing for now.