WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides



CodingDino opened this issue ยท 2 comments


All quests are referred to by their quest ID, so they should auto-complete correctly even on different locales. However, zones, partial quest completes, flight point gets, and heart sets won't auto-complete. But, you can still manually click them off. Coordinates should work for the most part, but will probably always point to your current zone.

I started off setting up the addon for easy localization, but lost focus on it as I went. I'll add this to my to-dos for one of the next few versions.

Anyone who'd like to help with localizing the addon, the most important bits of translation I need are:

* Zone names
* Subzone names (yes I know there are MANY of these)
* The get flight point message (Identify which word is the zone name)
* The set hearth message (Identify which word is the zone name)
* The receives loot message
* Option menus text

Unfortunately, unless someone goes through and translates the guide files themselves to your language, we won't be able to provide partial quest tracking. However, overall quest tracking is done via QID and should work in any locale.

Getting the addon ready for localization means building defaults for the above translations and working them into the addon.


I'd really like to help with localization, but I am a complete noob as far as development is concerned, and I fear my help might turn out to be not that productive. Anyway, let's give it a try.

If I am not mistaken, the addon now uses Ace libraries. After a quick search at I saw that LibBabble-Zone-3.0 provides translations for zones (and subzones) names: could it not be integrated in the wow-pro addon?

If not, the translation for the zones and subzones names in French, Korean, Spanish, Russian and Chinese can still be found in the LibBabble-Zone-3.0.lua file of the addon archive.


It can indeed, and this was suggested by the user over on WoW Interface who brought up the whole thing :) I'm hoping to start work on adding this in soon.