WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Minimum Resize / Auto Resize

CodingDino opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Option 1 (default): Auto Resize/Minimum resize

  • Dynamically change resize minimums
  • Automatically resize guide if one step does not fit
  • Automatically resize guide if title does not fit
  • Automatically resize guide if step text does not fit (horizontal)

Option 2 (advanced): Static resize/minimum resize

  • Minimum resize is set and reset such that:
  • Title fits - vertical
  • Step text fits - vertical
  • If notes enabled, one note line fits - vertical
  • If tracking enabled, one track line fits - vertical
  • If step text does not fit, truncated
  • If title does not fit, truncated
  • If notes do not fit, truncated, mouse-over added.
  • if tracking does not fit, hidden.

Working on this now. Just pushed a commit with an anchor point setting, not exactly this feature but something that was also requests.

I'm not really sure how to implement this in the options menu. Still thinking about it.


I think I'm just going to work this into the normal auto vs. manual resize settings. Resize drag handle will be a separate thing.


Think I might add separate options for horizontal and vertical auto resizing. Also, adding a sliding option for minimum resize value, both vertical and horizontal.


Rather than doing all that fancy stuff for the "advanced" version, I'm just making it always show at least one step and letting the text extend outside of the frame if they make it too small. It's stated to be the advanced version, and it's custom resize - the user can resize it themselves if it's too small as far as I'm concerned.

I tentatively think this is done, going to upload.