WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Revising: 002_12_14_Bostons_Loch_Modan.lua

blmeyers opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Bostons Loch Modan 12-14 Changelog
Converted Thelsamar Blood Sausages monster killing to use sticky note feature instead of regular note
Added Use tag for Deeprun Rat Roundup
Added necessary Zone tag for turnin of Stormpike's Order
Added necessary Zone tag for accepting Report to Gryan Stoutmantle
Added Note tag to Report to Gryan Stoutmantle to name the quest giver

Started tweaking this one before I fully read the directions, but it was short so shouldn't hurt anything if I forgot to post I was working on it 30 minutes ago. I'll post the other ones I'm working on before I start them.

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As a side note: I tried to add a Guide Edit label to this but I wasn't able to find a way to do it. May not have permission to do it as a public user.


Uploading to the repository shortly.