WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Restock tag/icon

gameldar opened this issue ยท 3 comments


A lot of the old guides had a note for a sell/restock/repair step when visiting towns etc.

I was thinking a better way of handling this was to add another tag to steps that add some sort of display to indicate that you can/should repair/restock/sell at this point. Therefore they can be added to all steps that have you in a town or near a vendor to remind you to do so when you are there.


I really didn't want to deal with adding another icon off to the side of the guide. So, I just made another step type, little r, for repair/restock, with it's own icon. It's just like a note step, just has an icon that is a better visual clue for what to do.


I like having the r step type, and I think it's useful especially if you're in a zone where there's little opportunity to do it, for example, a roaming vendor in the middle of the woods, or at a lone vendor in an instance. But I also like the idea of being able to flag all steps for when you're in a town. Possibly instead of an icon off to the side, you could choose to make it highlight the steps in a unique color, like sticky steps do?


That is something Tour Guide did, I just never saw a particular use for it. But I could potentially add it back in in the future. I'll think on it.