WoW Ukranian

WoW Ukranian


Displays translated text for quests right in the original quest frame. Works next to the QuestLog window, as well as during conversations with NPCs.

Ukrainian translator based on the Polish version ( WoWpoPolsku-Quests is a continuation of the QuestTranslator addon and is inspired by the QuestJapanizer addon? (Version: 0.5.8, author: lalha ), which presents Japanese text in QuestLog quests. QuestTranslator extends its functionality by displaying text quests in a new (prepared) language translation of the text and is a quest immediately when talking with the NPC offering the quest (the quest to accept the download, its progress or the passage of the final quest).)

For a detailed database and payment data - visit the WoWpoPolsku project page:

The addon will be released in the next version 10.1.0 and later.

The addon integrates with other addons: Storyline.


Addon translated by machine translation and edited (very raw version)

I would like to know if this is needed here or not