Wowhead Quick Link

Wowhead Quick Link


Error when used in the currency window

cremor opened this issue ยท 0 comments


When you use the keybind of this addon on a currency in the currency window the following error is thrown:

1x ...dOns\WowheadQuickLink\WowheadQuickLinkStrategies.lua:271: attempt to call global 'GetCurrencyListLink' (a nil value)
[string "@WowheadQuickLink\WowheadQuickLinkStrategies.lua"]:271: in function `strategy'
[string "@WowheadQuickLink\WowheadQuickLinkStrategies.lua"]:21: in function `strategy'
[string "@WowheadQuickLink\WowheadQuickLink-2.7.0.lua"]:20: in function <WowheadQuickLink\WowheadQuickLink.lua:18>
[string "@WowheadQuickLink\WowheadQuickLink-2.7.0.lua"]:36: in function `RunWowheadQuickLink'
[string "WOWHEAD_QUICK_LINK_NAME"]:1: in function <[string "WOWHEAD_QUICK_LINK_NAME"]:1>

Addon version 2.9.2 (btw, the version in the toc-file is not up to date)
WoW 9.0.2