- 2
Hotkeys stopped working
#20 opened by derrickb - 4
Getting invalid url on HC Classic for quests
#27 opened by surgioclemente - 2
Non-latin character links
#22 opened by Natans8 - 6
Suggestion: Additional link sources
#23 opened by Natans8 - 7
Generated Armory link is invalid
#25 opened by tflo - 1
Lua error on chest world object
#26 opened by cremor - 1
The War within : Lua error when you copy an achievement / NPC / Recipe
#28 opened by Zazou89 - 1
Error when hovering over buffs
#29 opened by Vettic - 2
conflicts with World Quest List
#30 opened by Ifnis - 1
support for "Classic Quest Log"
#31 opened by rml9ty - 1
Doesn't work in the currency window
#32 opened by cremor - 1
Not working in Classic/SoD (I found solution)
#33 opened by GsynthChris - 0
Firelands patch broke the addon
#34 opened by Jordan466 - 3
Keybinding category: Addons vs. AddOns
#3 opened by fstenstrom - 0
Criteria in an achievement converts the link to quest instead of achievement
#6 opened by fstenstrom - 4
Not working with toy box
#7 opened by cremor - 1
Doesn't work for profession reagents
#8 opened by cremor - 3
No longer working in Classic
#10 opened by vaindil - 1
Doesn't work for some pets in the new auction house
#11 opened by cremor - 1
Support for the transmog collection window
#12 opened by cremor - 0
Error when used in the currency window
#14 opened by cremor - 2
TBC Support
#16 opened by nezorflame - 2
New packaging setup
#18 opened by vaindil - 1
Lua error when used on world quest
#19 opened by cremor