WowLua - Lua in Wow

WowLua - Lua in Wow


WowLua is an in-game Lua scripting environment that includes an interactive Lua interpreter as well as a multi-page script editor. Other features include:

  • Syntax coloring, courtesy of krka's spectacular For All Indents and Purposes library
  • Sleek buttons, courtesy of Mikk
  • When WowLua is running code, it defines a global function print() which directs output to the WowLua window, for convenience. This global is removed when not running from WowLua
  • Can run WowLua pages from the commandline using /wowluarun or /luarun. Each slash command takes the name of a page, and prints any issues or activity to the chat frame. These can thus be used from macros.
  • Can open WowLua using /wowlua or /lua. Both of these slash commands will take a lua expression and run it, if provided:

    /lua print(14) will open WowLua and print the number 14 to the output window.

Please feel free to post any comments or questions here, you'll find I'm relatively responsible. This addon has been written primarily as a companion tool for World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons.

Please leave any comments on the original addon page at


Some folks have asked for how they can donate money, and for many years I've enjoyed hearing about how my addons have helped other people enjoy World of Warcraft. If you would like to donate, I'd ask you to make a donation to the Colorectal Cancer Alliance, a worthy organisation that helped my sister immensely from her diagnosis through her final years. If you or a family member suspect you might have something not right in your butt, please have a doctor check it out. Colorectal cancer is one of the most preventable cancers in the world.