Wyr3d's Pet Battle Reference Chart

Wyr3d's Pet Battle Reference Chart


This project was some time coming.

I originally had the idea for an add-on like this when the Pet Battle System first came out. At that time I didnt' know a thing about LUA and coding and all that other stuff, so nothing ever came of it. Now I've had several years of experience with all that stuff, and I still have no idea what I 'm doing :P Anyways, this add-on does exactly what the title says. it adds a pop up box to the right side of the Pet Battle Tab, so that you can easily reference they pet type/skill strengths and weaknesses  if you are like me, and can  never keep track of that stuff.

What this will do:

- add a box with a shiny reference chart for you
- allow you to check which battle pets are strong against which types
- if you know your enemy, you will be able to plan ahead

What this will not do:

- win for you
- ultimately this is just for reference, so winning relies on your own skilll
- order you a pizza

Thanks to Warmexx for helping me figure out why this wasnt' working early on, and basically being an awesome dude.