


This addon will keep track of shipment/mission timers across all your characters that have unlocked Legion Order Halls. It can track things like Artifact Research, Troop Shipments, Mission Timers, etc.. (Yes, it even does the Nomi Cooking Timers.) It's very simple to read and you can quickly check if you need to pickup any missions or rewards on any of your characters.

This addon is similar to the Blizzard Companion App for Legion. However, for those that do not wish to use the app this is a great alternative that works in game.

  • WARNING: I want to point out that using the Blizzard Companion App along with this addon, will cause the data for this addon to be inaccurate! Obviously if you are using the Blizzard App, xanOrderHalls can't update the information unless you login with each character. So if you are going to use this addon, then it would be best not to use the Companion App unless you understand that data will not be mirrored correctly. This is due to the addon restrictions that Blizzard has placed for any WOW addon. It's completely out of my hands. Consider yourself warned on this.

Things that this addon will record and display:

  • Troop/Follower Shipments
  • Artifact Research Shipments
  • Order Hall Talent Upgrades
  • In Progress Mission Timers
  • Available Missions Count
  • Nomi Cooking Timers
  • Champion Armor Shipment Timers
  • Order Hall Specific Quest Shipments

How to view the xanOrderHalls:

  • This addon creates a new tab under your Order Hall Report page.
  • Click on the Order Hall Report button on your minimap. There should be a new tab on the bottom right called 'Character List'.
  • You can also right-click the Order Hall Report minimap button to quickly navigate to the xanOrderHalls Character List tab.

You can also use slash commands to open the xanOrderHalls tab:

  • /xoh
  • /xanoh
  • /xanorderhalls


I'm disabling comments here. It's difficult to follow with so many addons on different wow addon websites.

Also because people keep posting bugs in the comments instead of issue tickets.





use GitHub to report bugs. Github tracker.
