


Please Support My Work On Patreon

If you enjoy using xBag please consider recommending it to a friend.  Your support is very much appreciated!!!

Suggestions for new features or improvements are always welcome.  All suggestions will be considered, even if they might not be included.

xBag is a powerful advanced bag replacement, much more than simply another "All-In-One" bag

With xBag you can create "Extra Bags" and set filters to automatically sort items into those bags. Similar to how the default bags have the "Assign to Bag" option, but taken to a whole new level!

Choose from any of the preset filters, or create a custom filter to assign anything you like!

Type "/xbag" in chat window for a list of available Slash Commands
Use "/xbag help" to display full usage instructions

Coming Soon

New Features

Key Features

  • Tracked Currencies - track up to 10 currencies!
  • Over 50 Background and Border Textures Included!
  • Set custom colors for Bag / Bank / Reagent Bank  titles, text, backgrounds and borders!
  • View Bags, Bank, Reagent Bank for all characters
  • Popup Search Box
  • Gear Search Filter
  • Import / Export profiles
  • Allows bags to be fully customized, position and keep items exactly where you want them!
  • Filter for newly looted items
  • Easy to use interface
  • No complicated setup required
  • Lots of ways to open bags
  • Works "out of the box", simply select preset filters and you're good to go
  • .....or create custom filters for complete bag control!


  • Improved Bags (Items no longer "overlap" for independently positioned bags)
  • Improved New Items Bag
  • Improved Tracked Currencies
  • Bank Free Slots indicator
  • Additional search options
  • Option to hide bag titles
  • All Filters can now be renamed
  • All Bags can now be renamed
  • Improved Menus
  • SubFilters added to all bags
  • Improved Custom Bags - Items can now be added from Reagent Bank, Guild Bank and Inventory.  Items can also now be moved directly between Bag and Bank custom bags
  • Extra Bags are now movable
  • Auto Import / Export Option
  • Set custom colors for Bag / Bank / Reagent Bank  titles, text, backgrounds and borders
  • Toggle and move UI Bag Bar
  • View Bags, Bank, Reagent Bank for all characters
  • Gear Search Filter
  • Option to reset to default
  • Option to remove a character from item amount Tooltip
  • Option to add Item amounts (including for other characters) to Tooltip
  • Filter for Equipment Set Gear
  • Adjust scale
  • List of created bags and their size
  • Option to clear Custom Lists of Crafting Reagents after "Deposit All Reagents"
  • Import / Export profiles
  • Improved Guide (/xbag help)
  • Filter for Account Bound items
  • Filter for Unique Chests
  • Filter for Soulbound Chests
  • Filter for Unique Gear
  • Filter for Unique-Equipped Gear
  • Additional Keybind options
  • Custom Bag names can now be longer
  • Option to filter poor quality gear as junk
  • Option to automatically sell junk when visiting a vendor
  • Open All Chests
  • Empty Main Bag
  • Sell All Junk
  • Option to automatically open extra bags when looting (Always / Never / Only bags marked as "Always Show")
  • Bags can be forced to display even when empty by Shift + Left Clicking
  • Option to remember new items between sessions
  • Option to show item levels
  • UI Buttons can be assigned to any extra bag
  • Set Key Binds
  • Toggle All Bags
  • Improved "Hide Empty Bags" - When "Hide Empty Bags" is set, empty bags will no longer be displayed when created or toggled, including Custom Bags
  • Improved New Items Filter - Items are now un-marked as new on pickup instead of moving cursor over them, or Right Click the bags title to clear all
  • Option to prevent bags from resizing to smaller until cursor moves away from bag
  • And many more.....


For Skinner users:-  disabling xBag using skinners options is recommended.

For ElvUI users:-  Disable bag in the ElvUI options Bags section, and disable bags skin in the Skins section.


(Using The In-Game Guide Is Recommended)

UI Bag Bar

Left Click the big bag to toggle Main Bag

Right Click the big bag to toggle all extra bags

Shift + Left Click the big bag to show a list of extra bags and sizes (click one to toggle that bag)

Left Click a small bag to toggle that bag

Shift + Left Click a small bag to force show bag even when empty

Right Click a small bag to assign its bag

Hold Ctrl and Drag (any bag) to reposition

Toggle by using the slash command /xbag bar or by setting a key binding

 Main Bag

Click Sort And Filter button to sort and filter bags

Click Options button to open options

Click Open All Chests button to open all chests

Click Empty Bag button to put contents of main bag into bank  (bank must be open)

Click Sell All Junk button to sell all junk  (vendor must be open)

Click View button to view bags for all characters

Use Alt + Scroll Wheel to adjust the scale (scale will also be applied to other bags)

Click the button next to the search box to search Equipment Sets

 Extra Bags Bar

Left Click bag to toggle extra bag

Shift + Left Click bag to force show bag even when empty

Right Click bag to create an extra bag / change filter

Click Up / Down arrows or use scroll wheel to scroll through bags

Click Toggle All button to toggle all available extra bags

 Extra Bags

Right Click on the bags title to rename (for New Items bag use Alt + Right Click)

Always Show

Check a bags "Always Show" box to set it as Always Show

Bags set as Always Show will open with Main Bag and be remembered between sessions (unless "Ignore Always Show" is set)

Preset Filter

Appropriate items will automatically be filtered into this bag

New Items Filter

Right Click on the bags title to clear all new items

 Custom Filter

Add items by drag / drop or pickup / click onto the extra bags title

Move items around to reposition them

Swap items between custom bags, or move to the main bag to remove that item

Custom bags aren't affected by sorting, or another bags filter, so the items stay in the order you choose
For example:- create a bag for your most frequently used items, or if you're farming something specific create a bag just for that!


Left Click on the bags title to show subfilter options

Available SubFilters:- All, Un-bound, Soulbound, Account Bound, Unique

SubFilters work in addition to the bags main filter


Selecting the same filter (yellow text) will remove that extra bag

Left Click a filter to set it

Right Click a filter to rename it

Shift + Right Click a filter to reset it's name (Custom filter can not be renamed)

Renamed filters will have pink text


Filter Bags As Contents Change     -     Bags will filter automatically as contents change

Filter Bank As Contents Change     -     Bank will filter automatically as contents change

Show Bag Names     -     Show bag names on the Extra Bags Bar

Hide Empty Bags     -     Hide bags when empty

Wait To Resize Active Bag     -     Bag will wait until cursor moves away before resizing

Remove Always Show When Filter Changes     -     Always Show box is reset when bags filter changes

Reset Bag Colors When Filter Changes     -     Colors will be reset when bags filter changes

Ignore Always Show     -     Ignore bags Always Show setting

Remember New Items     -     New Items will be remembered even after exiting game

Show Item Level     -     Show ILvl for gear

Remove Crafting Reagents On "Deposit All Reagents"     -     Items will be removed from any Custom Bag lists

Reset SubFilters On Logout     -     SubFilters for all bags will be reset on logout

Show Hidden Filtered Items Indicator     -     Show an indicator if bag has items, but appears empty because items are hidden by the current subfilter

Lock Extra Bag Positions     -     Prevent bags (not including main bags) from being manually repositioned

Rename Bags When Filter Renamed     -     When a filter is renamed any bags with that filter will also be renamed

Show Bag Titles     -     Bag titles will be shown (uncheck to hide)

Unmark Items As New On Mouseover     -     Items in New Items bag will be unmarked as new when the cursor is moved over them


Enable Popup Search Box     -     Search results will be displayed in a popup box

Open/Close With/Without Matching Items     -     Extra Bags will open and close with matching items

Open Bags With Matching Items     -     Extra Bags will open with matching items


Show Amounts     -     Item amounts (including for other characters) will be added to Tooltip

Clear Data     -     Clear the saved data for a selected character (item amounts will no longer be included in Tooltip)


Select how items are saved for remote viewing

Auto Import / Export

Auto Import / Export     -     Enable / Disable Auto Import / Export

While enabled any changes made will be automatically exported to the current profile, and imported on login

Current profile will be the last profile either imported or exported

Export options will match the options last exported, use the menu to change these if desired

Auto export changes will be applied to all characters that auto import the same profile

Changes are exported on logout, make sure to disable to prevent auto exporting

Auto export changes cannot be undone and may affect other characters. Make sure this is what you want before enabling, importing or exporting

Tracked Currencies

Select up to 10 currencies to track

Click Toggle Tracked Currencies button to toggle

(scroll to view more currencies)


Always Show Junk Icon     -     Junk items will always show junk icon

Filter Poor Quality Gear As Junk     -     Poor quality gear will be filtered as junk instead of gear

Open With

Select which events automatically open bags:- Merchant, Mailbox, etc

Close With

Select which events cause bags to automatically close

Open When Looting

Bags can be set to open automatically if a filter is set for a looted item

Options are:- Always, Never, Only If Always Show


Key Bindings     -     Toggle change Key Bindings

Import / Export Profiles     -     Toggle Import / Export profiles

Customize     -     Toggle Customize

Help     -     Toggle Help / Guide

Toggle All

Click the Toggle All button, Right Click the big bag or set a keybind

Toggle All will cycle through extra bags in the following order:- Bags set as Show All / All Bags / None

Hide Empty Bags setting also applies to Toggle All


Key Bindings

Left Click a button then press the desired key / key combination to set a keybinding

Right Click a button to remove a keybinding



Import Profile

Select a saved profile from the list, then click the Import button

Use Scroll Wheel to scroll through the list

(list will appear empty if no profiles have been exported)

Export Profile

Type a name to save the profile as in the box, then click the Export button or press Enter

(the profile saved will match whatever settings / options / filters are currently set)

Export Options

Key Bindings     -     Current keybindings will also be exported

Options Settings     -     Options settings will also be exported

UIBagButton Assignments     -     UIBagButton Assignments will also be exported

Positions & Scale     -     Bag, Bank and Reagent Bank scale and positions will also be exported

Colors & Backgrounds     -     Colors, backgrounds and borders will also be exported

Custom List Contents     -     If any Custom Bags are being exported, this will also export their contents list (the same items will be filtered into the bag after importing)

Tracked Currencies     -     Tracked Currencies will also be exported


Select a profile from the Import List then click the Delete button to delete that profile

Current Auto Import / Export profile will be highlighted in yellow


Use mouse wheel to scroll through bags contents (holding down Shift will page scroll, Ctrl will full scroll)

Bank bag works pretty much the same as Main Bag

Move Main Bag, Bank, Reagent Bank by dragging as normal

Extra Bags can be moved when Lock Extra Bag Positions is disabled

Shift + Right Click a bags title to reset its position

Shift + Right Click Main Bag or Banks title to reset all Extra Bag positions

Shift + Left Click any bags title to open Color Picker

Popup Search Box

Right Click the title to minimize without closing

Click the Toggle Gear Search Filter button to toggle gear search filter options

Remote View Box

Click the Select View button to switch between Bags, Bank, Reagent Bank

Select the bag to view from the left column

Use mouse scroll wheel for more

(other characters must have been logged in to view bags, and bank visited to view bank or reagent bank)

Color Picker

Shift + Left Click any bags title to open

Select the bag element to recolor from the list

Click or drag mouse around on the color wheel or color bar to change color

Enter RGB Values (0-255) or Hex Color Code (RRGGBB) in the boxes to change color

Click Reset to reset bag colors to default

Click Okay to save changes

Click Cancel to disregard all changes

While Color Picker is open, another bags title can be Shift + Left Clicked, clicking Okay will save changes for all bags

(The bag currently being recolored will be highlighted)


Click Save to apply and save changes

Click Reset to reset all customize settings to default

Click Exit to exit

Apply To

Select either Bags or Bag Titles

Background Texture

Select a texture from the list

Use mouse wheel to scroll through list


Select a border from the list

Gradient Effect

Enable to apply a gradient effect

Use the options to alter the gradient effect

Use the slider to darken or lighten the effect

General Options

Disable Background Color     -     Background colors will not be shown

Disable Border Color     -     Border colors will not be shown

Tiled     -     Background texture will be tiled

Not Tiled     -     Background texture will not be tiled

(each background texture has a recommended tiled / not tiled default setting)

 Slash Commands

/xbag open     -    Turn xBag on

/xbag close     -    Turn xBag off (Use this option to change / equip new bags etc)

/xbag bar     -    Toggle UI Bag Bar

/xbag binding    -    Toggle change Key Bindings

/xbag profile     -     Toggle Import / Export profiles

/xbag custom     -     Toggle Customize

/xbag title     -     Toggle bag titles

/xbag reset    -    Reset xBag

/xbag help    -    Toggle Help / Guide