
The xHUD add-on objective is to consolidate various information currently supported by disjointed add ons into a well defined and consistent heads-up display. The heads-up display will be located in the center of the screen, slightly above the horizontal mid-point, in order to leave enough place for the action bars.

Standard Components of xHUD

Within the HUD, the following information will be displayed

  • Player and Target information (such as life, energy, casting bar, missing buffs & important debuffs, etc.), similar to ICEHUD
  • Heal & DPS information; similar to MSBT
  • State & informational changes (buffs, debuffs, money, items, etc.), similar to MSBT
  • Boss Mods fight warning and information; similar to BigWigs and DBM, an integration point will be done here
  • Reminders, information, CD tracking and spell priority; similar to WeakAuras 2
  • Directional information; similar to TomTom
  • Buffs Reminders; similar to ElvUI or Weak Auras

Raid Leader Components of xHUD

When you are raid leader, the additional information should be shown

  • Raid buffs missing; similar to BigBrother
  • Available Raid CDs
  • Death of teams announcements

The high-level design will look like this:

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57340779/xHUD Design.png