[Bug] system information and gold information overlap
ifish2007 opened this issue · 6 comments
First, thank you for creating this addon. It’s both beautiful and useful.
Describe the bug
The system information and gold information overlap in the Traditional Chinese interface.
Expected behavior
The information should be separated and not overlap. The "World Ping: 140ms" and the "Gold" sections overlap.
Lua error logs
WoW Version (please complete the following information)
- WoW Flavour: [e.g Retail]
- Version:
XIV_Databar Continued Version
Additional context
I’m wondering if the issue was caused by the Chinese font. If so, would it be easier to resolve by providing an option to change the font or language of this addon to English?
Hi guys, if there's any change I need to make in the code to fix the issue, let me know and I'll do it 😉
Heya, thank you for the kind message and the report, I'm currently investigating on this and will keep you updated !
你可以试试把汉化文件里的 每秒帧数 改为FPS 本地改为L 世界改为W 毫秒改为ms 我觉得这些用英文也是可以的。