- 1
Add a margin option
#9 opened by ZelionGG - 4
[Looking for help] Localization
#10 opened by ZelionGG - 4
Bug in version 2.6
#11 opened by PziCrow - 1
[Enhancement] Include the changelog in XIV's GUI
#13 opened by ZelionGG - 1
lua error: anchorFrame (a nil value)
#7 opened by fireymerlin - 9
Hearthstone Button is hard coded to a set ordered list
#8 opened by RealoFoxtrot - 3
[Bug] Currency module doesn't work after v2.3.1 on vanilla/wotlk clients.
#15 opened by Amanthuul - 4
Issue with Profession (bars), Talents and Currency (+Suggestions if welcome)
#2 opened by vyrnius - 4
LUA error
#4 opened by srtzero - 4
Issue in DF - Latest patch
#3 opened by Purpdrankstyle - 6
Talents LUA error
#5 opened by srtzero - 1
Lua errors - think it's known but sending.
#6 opened by jiberishxd - 6
[Bug] Addon not working after 2.7 update
#16 opened by StellaMiri - 1
[Bug] Admiral's Compass can't be used anymore
#19 opened by ZelionGG - 1
[Bug] Dalaran Hearthstone string empty
#20 opened by ZelionGG - 0
[Enhancement] Reputation Tracker
#17 opened by ZelionGG - 1
[Bug] XP bar disappears if you get level in combat and if you log in in combat.
#18 opened by Amanthuul - 0
[Bug] Performance issues at start
#21 opened by ZelionGG - 3
Error in the "Load_Changelog.xml" file
#22 opened by Burschle24 - 7
[Bug] HookScript is not allowed on LibQTip tooltips
#23 opened by Varezen - 3
Font issue [Bug]
#24 opened by buddy75 - 0
[Bug] Guild button opens the Friends list in micromenu
#26 opened by ZelionGG - 0
[Bug] Talent switcher not available on Cata Classic
#25 opened by ZelionGG - 1
[Enhancement] Talent Loadout Selection
#27 opened by SmolderingEgo - 0
[Bug] Talent selector doesn't show until it is used
#28 opened by SmolderingEgo - 0
[Enhancement] Improve Hearthstones list at first loading
#29 opened by ZelionGG - 1
[Update] Port to The War Within 11.0 BETA
#30 opened by ZelionGG - 3
[Bug] Vanilla guild button goes to Raid window
#31 opened by Amanthuul - 5
[Bug] MicroMenu doesnt work
#32 opened by Silvereyes1372 - 2
[Bug] attempt to compare number with nil
#33 opened by Silvereyes1372 - 5
addon action blocked
#34 opened by macielprates - 5
[Bug] Clicking on Spellbook error & Travel to Acherus
#35 opened by TasanDK - 5
[Enhancement] Add M+ Portals to [Travel] module
#38 opened by ZelionGG - 4
[Bug] Numerous Bugs
#36 opened by amw83 - 5
[Bug] Chat Icon throws a LUA error
#37 opened by amw83 - 2
[Bug] :HookScript is not allowed on LibQTip tooltips
#39 opened by Nightshadow-hub - 4
[Bug] Underscore Throwaway Value from other addons is being treated as an Input
#41 opened by RealoFoxtrot - 6
[Bug] system information and gold information overlap
#40 opened by ifish2007 - 0
New ZelionGG's Forge Discord
#42 opened by ZelionGG - 0
[Bug] Micro menu don't work in combat
#44 opened by MRypper - 2
Having "Show Coordinates" checked causes endless lua errors in Necrotic Wake instance.
#45 opened by rlzimmerman - 2
SpellBook behavior and mythic+ Travel Module not working.
#47 opened by TasanDK - 4
[Bug-Retail] Submenu Overlap Issue on Ultrawide Monitors in Full Screen Mode
#46 opened by PTGTruk - 1
[Enhancement] Profile export/import feature
#48 opened by ZelionGG - 1
[Bug] Siege of Boralus Teleport ID incorrect M+ teleport
#50 opened by devel1988 - 3
[Enhancement] Combine gold tracker for horde and alliance and give option to ignore realm
#49 opened by kaethr01 - 1
[Enhancement] Request to add the function of moving the position of each module!
#51 opened by hsinjy - 2
[Bug] Classic Era Anniversary Realm issue
#52 opened by deggieq2 - 1
[Enhancement] More experience bar information!
#53 opened by LuckyLuc96 - 1
[Enhancement] Bar opacity for classic version
#54 opened by itsreps