



Hi there! I've put together a WoW addon called Yoinked that might help you with your inventory management. It’s a simple tool that lets you set up some basic rules to automatically move items between your bags and bank based on item IDs. Nothing too fancy, but it gets the job done.


Basic Item Transfers

Yoinked lets you create rules to move items between your bags and bank automatically. It’s handy if you want to keep things a bit more organized without too much manual effort.

You can set up and manage your rules using an in-game interface. Just type /yoinked to get started. The interface has plenty options and a handy help tooltip on the top right if you're not sure what something does.

Flexible Rule Options

You can set up different types of rules, like:

  • Global Rules: Apply across all your characters.
  • Class-Specific Rules: For when you want to keep things separate based on class.
  • Profile-Based Rules (Work in Progress): Useful if you want different setups for different activities, though this feature is still being developed.
  • Character-Specific Rules: If you’ve got a character with a unique setup, you can customize it just for them.

Control Over What Moves

Yoinked lets you decide which bags and bank slots it should manage, so it only moves the items you want moved.

It should work fine alongside most other inventory addons, though it might overlap with ones that also manage item movement.

I’ve tried to make sure it runs smoothly without causing any noticeable lag. You can adjust the speed of the transfers if you want, but it should work well enough as is.

Current with Retail WoW

Yoinked is built to work with Retail WoW, The War Within, and I’ll do my best to keep it updated as the game changes.

How It Works

  1. Set Up Your Rules: Type /yoinked in-game to open the interface and create rules by item ID. You can set them to apply globally, by class, by profile (Work in Progress), or by character.

  2. Choose What to Manage: Select the bags and bank slots you want Yoinked to handle.

  3. Let It Run: When you visit your bank, Yoinked will move the items according to your rules. It’s not perfect, but it should help save some time.

Feedback & Support

If you have any suggestions, run into issues, or have ideas for improvements, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to leave ideas in a comment here or submit issues/feature suggestions via Github