Z-Target Me!

Z-Target Me!


This addon works to recreate the Z-Targeting system from The Legend of Zelda series by utilising Legion's ActionCam console settings! Preview Video v0.81 on YouTube

UPDATE - 2nd August 2021: Unfortunately, between my disinterest in World of Warcraft in its current iteration as well as strong personal feelings over the allegations and attestations against Blizzard, I am no longer developing this addon. Should anyone with an interest wish to take it up, you have my blessing. Thank you for all your support up to this point and, regardless of where you go, be it WoW or anywhere else, have fun and always be kind to your fellow gamers. ♥


  • Target-tracking through ActionCam
  • Sounds based on target state and type
  • Targeting reticule (arrows) and auto-tracking
  • Fairy sounds and customisation for sounds
  • Maybe an easter egg or two
  • GUI for more user-friendliness, less slash commands
  • Auto-Target option
  • Different sound volumes, options and sliders
  • Auto nameplate handling and nameplate detection (detecting if nameplates are on/off to make sure things will work correctly)
  • Option to enable/disable ActionCam entirely when Z-Targeting

In Progress:

  • Auto-dismissing or disabling the ActionCam notification popup.
  • Toggle for targeting non-hostile units
  • Anti-sound-spam measure for tab targeting, etc
  • Full mute option
  • More options for fairies/companions (King of Red Lions, Fi, maybe more?)

Known Issues:

  • None at present, but do please let me know!

(All rights to the Z-Targeting concept and sounds from the Legend of Zelda belong to Nintendo. I do not own anything but the code and graphics used.)