Zdeyn's Guild Joinerator

Zdeyn's Guild Joinerator


Zdeyn's Guild Joinerator

Zdeyn's Guid Joinerator 0.1.0 - Does what it says on the tin:

  • pick the guild you're sick of manually /whoing and /w someone ginv plz every time you die - press the button instead.


  • It also replaces typing /ginvite [shift-click some wierd name], as they can just whisper ginv and get invited automatically via popup.
  • "Push button, send/receive ginvite" - editable slots for guild-names, simple drop-down to select guild, button to get invited to it. Auto-invite others when whispered ginv.
  • Fully compatible with those who don't have the addon.
  • Others invite you to the guild after receiving a plain whisper from you, and
  • You invite others via a pop-up in response to being whispered ginv

Any problems, PLEASE:

Thanks in advance for your early feedback!

-- Zdeyn
