


ZigboKnows is a unified interface that allows AddOns to post short messages to your interface in a unified and cool looking way. The goal is to provide useful or fun information in short messages that blend well with the official user interface.

Please note that this AddOn is useless by itself!

Documentation on how to implement ZigboKnows into your AddOn: http:wow.curseforge.com/addons/zigboknows/pages/how-to-use-zigbo-knows/

Each AddOn may choose a custom portrait character so that the user knows which AddOn has sent the message. The message itself is a string with special markup (like clickable links that throw an event).


  • An AddOn about collecting mounts could post a message that some mount drops in the region that you have just entered.
  • Another AddOn might post a message with lore about the target you have just acquired

Following known AddOns currently use ZigboKnows:

  • ZigboKnowsJokes (Also a simple example if you want to use the ZigboKnows library)