


This addon is a fork of ZTargetMe by Nierfenhimer, which does not appear to have been updated in almost 2 years.

Recreate the Z-Targeting system from The Legend of Zelda series by utilizing Legion's ActionCam console settings!

Example video (of original ZTargetMe!) on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1dLvb-8Pho


  • Target-tracking through ActionCam
  • Sounds based on target state and type
  • Targeting reticule (arrows) and auto-tracking
  • Fairy sounds and customisation for sounds
  • GUI for more user-friendliness, less slash commands
  • Auto-Target option
  • Different sound volumes, options and sliders
  • Auto nameplate handling and nameplate detection (detecting if nameplates are on/off to make sure things will work correctly)
  • Option to enable/disable ActionCam entirely when Z-Targeting

Known Issues
None at present, but let me know if you see anything!

(All rights to the Z-Targeting concept and sounds from the Legend of Zelda belong to Nintendo. I do not own anything but the code and graphics used.)
Special thanks to Nierfenhimer for originally developing this and making it public domain, so it can be remixed, fixed and more!