Alta's ElvUI profile

Alta's ElvUI profile


List of all my addons and addons profiles/config:

Don't hesitate to add a comment if you have ideas of eventual improvments or in case of problem(s) with the ElvUI profile :)

Hoping that this ElvUI profile will be useful to you to your own player experience ;)

My ElvUI profile is a personal adaptation of this one :

It is Healer oriented but it's perfectly possible to use it as DPS or as Tank.

The most important change done per me concerns the tracking of defensive CD used by members of the party. This CD are sorted in three categories :

- immunities marked by a blue square

- cheat death abilities marked by an orange square

- damage mitigation abilities marked by a purple square.

To add/modify/remove this, go in ElvUI/UnitFrames/Party/Buff Indicator and click on "Configure Auras".

I have used this link to add manually all the interesting spells in my opinion :