Ameno UI DPS

Ameno UI DPS


Hi, this is a UI a put a lot of thoughts, trials and error in. All in all I'm very happy with the result as I don't use any Weakauras whatsoever.

The aim is to have access to the most important information with minimal eye motion. It should suit all classes perfectly when it comes to mainly DPS role.

I'm using a 3440x1440 monitor, any other resolution may need some slight adjustments.

Addons I'm using:

- Elvui

- Elvui S&L

- Elvui BenikUI

- AddOnSkins

- Details!

- Elvui MediaTag

- ProjectAzilroka

- Nameplate Scrolling Combat Text

- Hekili

- Kaliel's Tracker

- Mik's Scrolling Combat Text

- Plater Nameplates

- DynamicCam

My Hekili profile:

The Plater I'm using: