Chekal's ElvUI Setup

Chekal's ElvUI Setup


This is a setup meant for PvE. PvP works too, but I'm mostly a PvE player.

I've put a lot of effort into perfecting my UI and hope that you enjoy it as much as I do! Keep in mind that some aspects of this setup have not been modified (in example; Arena Frames), so don't be worried when certain things don't show up as they should be.

This requires Shadow & Light and BenikUI, as well as AddonSkins. These 3 addons are specifically ElvUI addons and can be found on the ElvUI website.

My addon list includes:

- AnnounceInterrupts | announces your interrupts

- Auctionator | lightweight auction addon

- Emoji | allows for Discord Emoji support

- GTFO | tells you to get out of the fire

- HandyNotes | allows you to mark things on your map

- MacroTalk | better macro functionality

- Masque | used for WA; allows for icon skinning

- Mik's Scrolling Battle Text | scrolling battletext, highly customizable

- MogIt | allows you to make outfits and mark items on a wishlist

- Prat | lightweight chat addon

- NPCScan | scans for rare NPCs

- NugComboBar | shows combo points

- Pawn | tells you what armour is best to equip

- Rarity | allows you to track and see where rare pets/mounts/toys are located

- Quartz | lightweight castbar

- SharedMedia | allows for wider texture use in WA

- Skada | lightweight DPS tracker

- SoDEndlessChat | removes chat letter limit

- TargetRole | greater macro functionality

- Tidy Plates: Threat Plates | replaces and improves NamePlates

- TotalRP3 | for RP purposes

- TomTom | shows you where to find a coordinate on the map

- WeakAuras2 | what do you think this is?

- Vilinka's Insanity | insanity bar

- WIM | popup whisper windows, supports in-game and whispers