CleanPixel | ElvUI | Shadowlands

CleanPixel | ElvUI | Shadowlands



Shadowlands 9.0.1

A simple and clean UI with one pixel borders

If you would like to get the same appearance, certain addons will be required

Addons Required

Required Files

This should be the first step before importing the ElvUI profile

The fonts used are "Francois" for text and "Accidental Presidency" for numbers. The addon "SharedMedia" allows import of extra fonts and textures to be used across addons.

All of my extra fonts and textures are in the zip file "CleanPixelMedia.7z", extract this to /WOWINSTALLFOLDER/_retail_/Interface

Download Files

NOTE: These files are not updated as often! Recommended to update and use import strings from!

All of my WeakAuras, Textures, and profiles

CleanPixelUI - Download

Plater Profile

CleanPixel - Plater Profile


Demon Hunter WeakAuras

Mage WeakAuras

Paladin WeakAuras