cry1n's core

cry1n's core


Please read all of this. I know it's a block of text, but you might save yourself some time if you understand the limitations of an import.

The Druid screenshot shows what you get out of the box. There are 4 LESS bars in this layout. Read on…

The hunter screenshot (the same for all non-druids) shows 4 bars that the druid does not have. They are disabled, by default. You must enable them if you want them, and they are Action Bars 7 - 10. Do NOT enable these as a Druid, as it will mess things up.

If you enable Action Bar 9, it has a conditional in the Visibility State to only show in a party/raid. If you want it to show all of the time, delete this line from the Visibility State - [group:party] show; [group:raid] show; hide

I will rework this description a bit but, the warlock (any shard, rune, whatever, type of player) player/pet frames look like the fourth screenshot. These player frame class/power bars are disabled by default.

I'm working on something to remove the above completely. Always remember to do a /reload after importing profiles.

Also, I'd be interested in feeback in the comments section about any issues importing this profile. Specifically around Action Bar size and spacing, as I've had reports that this does not import correctly, even at 1440p resolution.

This is a profile that is built with the following addons :


ElvUI :

BenikUI :

OPTIONAL - (among others)

AddOnSkins :

BetterTalentsFrame :

Elkano's BuffBars :

Floating Combat Text :

InFlight Taxi Timer :

Kaliel's Tracker :

LocationPlus :

Nuts&Bolts :

ProjectAzilroka :

Weakauras - AddOn :

Weakauras - Luxthos (more about this below) :

Weakaruas - SL Gathering (with a lot of modification - this is only for herbs and ore) :

Zygor - Paid AddOn (but worth it, in my opinion) - No Affiliation :

CONFIG - Required AddOns

- You should have to do nothing. EXCEPT, for when scaling comes in to play. I play at 1440p. If you do not, you will need to learn to tweak to fit things up correctly. I do not know how to do this

- I would HIGHLY suggest that you also install the AddOn's that BenikUI recommends, on his page. There are four of them. Check his page for more details. Install these and reload BEFORE importing this profile

- For some reason the pet health bar color, by class, does not get set on import (at least that I've seen). You should check the pet heath unit frame to enable this to color by class

CONFIG - Optional AddOns

- Luxthos WA - You need to download all 3 of Luxthos' WA's for your class. I also suggest the Soulbind WA; the Racial, and the Consumables as well, by Luxthos


- 05.22.2021 - v1.0.21 -

Last update was a bit sloppy, so tightened a few things up

- 05.21.2021 - v1.0.20 -

Disabled styling on some of the frames

Changed all textures to be the same

- 04.15.2021 - v1.0.16 -

IMPORTANT! : I have no idea, but the last few imports are corrupt. You should go to the versions section and grab v1.0.14, until I can get this figured out.

- 04.15.2021 - v1.0.16 -

Last export was corrupt

- 04.15.2021 - v1.0.15 -

Minor cosmetic changes

- 01.30.2021 - v1.0.14 -

Moved Reputation Frame

Moved Boss Frame

Moved TargetTarget Frame

Enabled Power Bars on Party and Raid Frames

Overhauled the Raid Frames

Changed Party Sort Order for Party Frames to the Holy Trinity

- 01.23.2021 - v1.0.13 -

Disabled class totems by default

Disabled class color for power bars and changed mana power color to 'default' - ie: blue

Enabled power bar on target frame

- 01.14.2021 - v1.0.12 -

Started a change log :D

Change pet unit frame health color to match class -- seems to not persist -- you should check this option after import

Customized Class Bar and changed the height to 8 - Class Bar is disabled by default -- Enable it if you want it

Customized the Power Bar and changed to attached to frame and deleted text format - Power Bar is disabled by default -- Enable it if you want it

Changed custom texts for player/target health to 18 to accommodate class/power bars

Added version number to profile name - might add a lot of profiles if you update a lot, so might wanna keep an eye out and prune as necessary