Däppy dps/tank UI 10.1

Däppy dps/tank UI 10.1


This is for 1440p, if you use 1080p or something else you may have to adjust in the scaling.

Afenar's weakauras fit in to this UI, remaking afenar's weakauras aswell that you can find here: https://wago.io/p/dappybgood

I use small scale, so if you use other scale you might have to place the unitframes to fit your weakauras.

Afenar's profile: https://wago.io/AfenarUI_Profile |

UI addons: Elvui + Shadow & Light + addonskins + Weakauras + Masque: Raeli

Details dps meter profile: https://pastebin.com/BQTwr2Vz