Dodspringer's ElvUI - Resto Shaman (S&L, BenikUI)

Dodspringer's ElvUI - Resto Shaman (S&L, BenikUI)


ElvUI Profile designed for Resto Shaman but usable for any class/spec.

Requires Shadow & Light and BenikUI edits for full features, as well as several plugins (See screenshots)

If all plugins are installed, most settings should carry over. *Some* settings will not, and are character-specific. This is a game limitation and will be the case with any imported profile.

The following addons compliment this setup, and are considered requirements for this UI to work as intended. You will also have to disable ElvUI's counterparts to these addons yourself:

- XLoot (a better loot window/auto-loot system; requires you to disable ElvUI AND Blizzard's loot windows and auto-loot functionalities or it will NOT work):

- KUI Nameplates (Extremely customizable nameplate addon, massively superior to ElvUI's):

- TipTac (Tooltip addon with tons of features and customization options):

- Quartz (Movable castbar with a vast array of customization. Can replace ANY castbar, aura, or timer in the game):

The menu bar at the top of the screen is XIV_Databar and also comes highly recommended: