ElvUI Profile -  MaUI v6 Heal Center - M+ NP Filters

ElvUI Profile - MaUI v6 Heal Center - M+ NP Filters


# MaUI v6 - ElvUI Profile by Blinkii

## Full Installation instruction on Github


for more infos pleas see here https://github.com/mBlinkii/MaUI-ElvUI-Profile-Strings

Here I have put together my complete EvlUI profile for you.

## Features

- Custom dock bar with useful functions.

- Professions menu.

- The target of a unit is displayed on the name badge.

- Health text of groups Switches between max life and percentage display in combat.

- Mouseover death indicator in the group windows (number of deaths of a teammate).

- Rare/Elite/Boss enemies are highlighted (text color changes)

- Faction icon and PVP text is displayed if the teammate is marked as PVP or belongs to the Other Faction.

- Quest log is skinned

- Display of the most important badges, top left

- Dungeon bosses are highlighted inDF dungeons.

- M+ Facilitated by color highlighting of name badges.

- Important dungeon bosses are highlighted in color.

- Affixes such as Inspiring/Bloody or Spiteful will be highlighted in color.

- New Rolene icons for tank/DD/healer.

- New in combat icon.

- New dungeon difficulty indicator on minimap.

- Castbar color changes if your interrupt spell is on CD or finishes in time.

- Adjusted class colors with a nice gradient.

- and many more facilitrations and improvements.

# Addons

These addons are required.

### Minimum requirements:

- ElvUI

- mMediaTag

### Optimal requirements:

- Eltruism

- AddonSkins

- ProjectAzilroka


### Optional:

- Details


- WarpDeplete

## Nameplate priority Colors


1. Pink High priority

2. Dark Blue 2. priority

3. Purple 3. priority

4. Light Blue high HP

5. Brown special (like totems)


## Installation

Import series sequence


1. Profil

2. Namansplates

3. Global

4. Privat

5. WoW Interface string (in interface edit mode of WoW import).

6. after importing the profiles, the interface must be reloaded once, just type /rl in the chat.


What do the individual profiles mean?

- Profile = This is the main profile, this is not complete without the Global Profile.

- Nameplates = Style filter for the name badges and is optional, e.g. colored M+ enemies, highlighting bosses etc….

- Global = Global settings for the skin profile, e.g. for the dock bar.

- Private = advanced settings for the main profile, textures and colors

- WoW Interface = Adjusts the position of the quest log and the talking head frame.