ElvUI SticeUI v1.06 Profile (8.3) - (Tank/DD/Healer) - (3440x1440)


This is an export of the SticeUI Plugin Installer

ElvUI Profile

SticeUI Plugin Install - https://www.tukui.org/addons.php?id=160 (Please use the plugin for the latest updates)

SticeUI - https://www.tukui.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=10305

Stice'n'Dice Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGbOipH9smcD4zPWh_yIXpw

WeakAuras Profiles - Due to an WeakAuras issue with the profile, I have removed it from the SticeUI plugin installer, you will need to manually import each WeakAuras profile for now.

ElvUI SticeUI - Active Buff Bars (8.3) https://wago.io/2zXA3iB0r

ElvUI SticeUI - Active Cooldowns (8.3) https://wago.io/1l7uo_Wxl

ElvUI SticeUI - Dots (8.3) https://wago.io/LZxd5Y3Tk

ElvUI SticeUI - DPS Cooldowns & Buffs (8.3) https://wago.io/Bwy__q07N

ElvUI SticeUI - Healer Cooldowns (8.3) https://wago.io/Ivl4L8ZFH

DiceUI Ready https://wago.io/ei1raSMB2