healing things

healing things


hi there hello info about the profile below okbyyyyyeee

Discord for alpha stuff and questions, don't use the comments section please.

ElvUI Import Strings

You have to click "Copy import string" in the top right corner and import the main profile, before importing the extra strings below

1. Private Character Settings

Either import once per character or select the profile in Profiles -> Private.

Includes settings from S&L and WindTools.

2. Global Account Settings

3. Aura Filters

Addons required

ElvUI \\ Yes

ElvUI Shadow & Light \\ Rectangle Minimap, DataTexts, Armory Mode++

Optional ElvUI Plugins

ElvUI WindTools \\ Minimap Buttons Bar, Skinning, Talent Manager++

- NB: Without my private character settings look over the settings, there's many QoL stuff but also some annoying things.

AddOnSkins \\ Skins what WindTools doesn't. Cover all bases

ElvUI Buff Highlight \\ Color Party&RaidFrames by SpellID

^ Maintained by the community atm, Elv\Tuk devs has blacklisted it so you need to CTRL+F BuffHighlight then

delete\comment out the line in ElvUI\Core\Init.lua, or change the name of the plugin itself dno if that's better…

Other addons

WeakAuras \\ Pepsi Twist was underrated

OmniCD \\ Party cooldowns

Details! Damage Meter \\ Meters kekw

Plater Nameplates \\ YEP

MRT \\ Raid CD's

WarpDeplete \\ M+ timer

ElvUI: not healing things [DPS\Tank]




• Scale is set to 0.64

I prefer having all elements like armory, talent frames etc as small as possible,

this scale is supposed to be only used by 1200 resolutions, can be hard to get pixel perfect borders with it.

• Res is 1920x1080

• ActionBars are by default disabled and toggled on & off with a macro linked below

• ActionBar #2 is in mouseover mode on upper left side

(was #6 but somehow swapped after an Elv update)

• Micro Menu, Stance Bar etc is disabled cus kbs and middle click on minimap

• With WindTools and the Private Profile imported, Minimap Buttons are top left inside the minimap in mouseover mode



Healers Multipack: https://wago.io/fhtpack

This is all WeakAuras in one, thanks to nested groups.

Individual Groups

NB: Importing individually requires the WeakAura below as well, to add the groups that

includes the anchors, manabar, consumables, buffs and etc, to function properly.

Healer Main: https://wago.io/fhtMain

Includes Consumables, Buffs, Defensives, Speed boosts etc.

Class Auras







• I use Clean Icons Icon Pack from this genius person:[


Optional: General Stuff - Collection of WeakAuras I've had forever, like consumable and buff reminders, combat timers, BigWigs timeline etc.

I've made very few of these, only made adjustments to fit the layout.

If there's something you really like make sure to give the author a star, links are in the description.


Other Addon strings [One link]

Plater: https://wago.io/thingsplater

• Details!


• OmniCD



Macros & Hide Things

Toggle Actionbars Macro - Does not work in combat:

/run local bars, E = {1,3,4,5,6}, unpack(ElvUI); for _, n in pairs(bars) do local state = E.db.actionbar["bar"..n].enabled; E.db.actionbar["bar"..n].enabled = (state==false and true or false); E.ActionBars:PositionAndSizeBar("bar"..n) end

Whisper Innervate [Mouseover]:

/script if UnitName("mouseover") then SendChatMessage("Innervate" ,"WHISPER" ,"nil" ,UnitName("mouseover")) end

Toggle Hide Chat Macro:

/run _CHATHIDE=not _CHATHIDE for i=1,NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do for _,v in pairs{"","Tab"}do local f=_G["ChatFrame"..i..v]if _CHATHIDE then f.v=f:IsVisible()end f.ORShow=f.ORShow or f.Show f.Show=_CHATHIDE and f.Hide or f.ORShow if f.v then f:Show()end end end

Toggle Objectives\Quest at all times - Does not work in combat :

Use this addon and set a kb in interface -> addons -> hide objectives

Hide Chat Bubbles Backdrop in raid\dungeons:

[Download & Instructions


Hide WA if not in combat or in an instance:

Import: https://wago.io/8-Scf_-PZ -> change Anchored to on the groups you want to "hide" to -> Select Frame -> type: WeakAuras:Healer Anchor.