


This is my ElvUI profile for Enhancement Shaman based on Zerkin UI.

Zerkin UI:

I have spent a lot of time on this, however It is still a work in progress. I use this UI on a 13" MacBook Air (2017) 1440x900 Resolution. The way i set up the top panel (w/ light and shadow) provides a lot of info for me without using up too much screen real estate. The panel has space for a few of your most used addons. (I use it for Weakauras, Atlas Loot, TSM, Executive Assistant, and MethodDungeonTools.

Required Addon:


Shadow and Light (controls top panel)

Weak Auras for my HUD in the middle

I used this for my WA's (All you need to know: Shaman - Enhancement | v.8.0 _ Battle for Azeroth)

(If someone can explain WAs with passive ability procs that reset an ability's cool down (with highlighting glows), can you please explain them to me? I am reading something is wrong with a lot of WAs and they have to be hard coded?

Details! (for DPS Meter)

Recommended Addons:

I use Adibags for my inventory system

Atlas Loot is great for browsing loot drops from instances and world bosses

TradeSkillMaster is something I'm still trying to figure out but looks cool as hell

Pawn is great for showing what equipment is best for your spec

HandyNotes is literally one of my favorite add ons. I can't hardly survive without it. Using the different plugins for it, you will be able to find ANY and EVERY Rare Spawn(without a ridiculous respawn timer) with ease. And treasure chests… If you have flying and Draenor Treasures, you hardly have to do anything to level through WoD (Especially if you use Spires of Arak XP boosts)

Due to my 128GB Hard drive, I use Big Wigs for Boss Encounters. DBM can be compartmentalized, however i never know when i will need a given group so Big Wigs is overall smaller but does about the same thing.

Method Dungeon Tools


Last but definitely not least, is Executive Assistant. Very much an overwhelmingly complex add-on that if I or a person reading this, can figure it out, it would be able to keep you on task at accomplishing your goals because you can program whatever goals you could conceive into the app an it will prompt you to accomplish the individual steps required to get your goals done. It also has an extension systems via modules called "interns"