> > > MattUI < < <
I made a new UI for BFA. This is a mix of the standard WoW ui + ElvUI and WeakAuras.
I main MW Monk as healer and DH Havoc as dps (I mostly play PvP).
Because of this there's not WeakAuras for all classes. But the UI is made for multiclass players. So it should be able to work for everyone.
I will keep updating this UI as time goes on.
PS. "Unitframes" and "Nameplates" have to be disabled in the ElvUI Options.
Not class specific:
- Personal Resource Bar = https://wago.io/HyzuGccNX
- Arena Nameplate Numbers = Coming soon…
- Buffs = https://wago.io/r1RBNq5V7
- Auras = https://wago.io/SJPBr954Q
- Utility CDs = https://wago.io/BkbC7594m
- DPSbar = https://wago.io/rk2T499EQ
Demon Hunter:
- Buffs = https://wago.io/SJ5qcehNX
- Auras = https://wago.io/r1XGFxnV7
- Utility CDs = https://wago.io/SySfjehN7
- Buffs = Coming soon…
- Auras = Coming soon…
CVar commands:
/console SpellQueueWindow 250
/run SetCVar("nameplateSelfBottomInset", 0.27)
/run SetCVar("nameplatealpha", 0.8)
Texture replacements:
Clean Icons (Thin) = Replaces all spell icons
Flat Player Icons (Dark) = Replaces all portrait icons
Santa UI Textures = Replaces all Blizzard textures
Dark Default Frames = Turns all unitframes black
List of all AddOns used:
Threatplates = Nameplates
NameplateSCT = Nameplate Scrolling Combat Text
Friendly PVP Nameplates = Shows friendly nameplates but only in Arena
flyPlateBuffs = Debuffs on nameplates
BigDebuffs = Bigger debuffs
ClassIconNotPortrait = Changes portraits to class Icons
Details = Damage/healing meter
sArena = Enemy team arena frames
Party Ability Bars = Shows party CDs
OmniBar = Shows enemy CDs
OmniCC = Shows CD numbers
OPie = Make a ring of what ever you want (used for my mounts)
Favorites = Friendslist
TimeInQueue = Shows time in queue
Dampening Display = Shows dampening percentages
Veevs SpellNotifications = Shows notifications for certain spells
Mik's Scrolling Battle Text = Shows combat text
UpgradedUI = Reskins default Blizzard frames
WeakAuras = Displays custom auras
ElvUI = Full interface skin
Full UI link = http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info24811-MattUIbywhoisMatty.html