Mimir's Healer ElvUI (WeakAuras included!)

Mimir's Healer ElvUI (WeakAuras included!)


Hello everybody!

I am very glad you made your way here and I hope you stay a while.

In this package you find my own Healing Profile of ElvUI which is mainly made for PvE Content (High M+ Keys & Raids) but it also works decently well in PvP (Got to 2.4k rating with it).

I included most of the Screenshots without WeakAuras but also included a few with them being active / shown so you can get a good impression of how the whole package looks like. I will include all the WeakAuras I use further down below!

To make your icons look exactly like mine you need the extra Addon „Masque“ with „Masque: Shadow“ and then in the Masque options activate the „Shadow 1“ package. Afterwards, head into the Masque options and search the option called "Gloss". Enable it and set it to be perfectly white and at 50% transparency. Then you need to go into ElvUI Options and enable Masque support in the General tabs of ActionBars and Buffs and Debuffs.

You also need both „AddOnSkins“ and „ElvUI Shadow & Light“ (You can get both of those Addons over at www.tukui.org)

If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up preferrably on Discord (Mimir#3410) or Battle.Net. (Cordovan#21597)

Now I will begin to list all the Addons and WeakAuras I am using to make it look like it is. A big shoutout to all the awesome creators of those Addons and WeakAuras! They’ve done a great job and you should check them out. (If you are interested in any of my profiles of those Addons, hit me up, I'll pass them over to you :))

UI-relevant Addonlist:


Advanced Interface Options


Details! Damage Meter

Exorsus Raid Tools

Masque (And Masque: Shadow)

WeakAuras 2


ElvUI Shadow & Light

OmniCC for the Cooldown Timers on WeakAuras

ProjectAzilroka (Exclusively for the Squared Minimap Buttons)


Selfmade WeakAuras:

Mistweaver Monk: https://wago.io/0V4b8DxH4

Discipline Priest: https://wago.io/cBLGIfW-k

Holy Priest: https://wago.io/epDnQFumw

Holy Paladin: https://wago.io/u4cnpyhwA

Restoration Shaman: https://wago.io/O-mMlO_I6

Restoration Druid: https://wago.io/dJnrlOkbM

Covenant Class Abilities for ALL classes: https://wago.io/srDgO6fKm

Mana Bar to fit the width of Raid / Party Frames: https://wago.io/T_R6Y1Wts

Tank Externals and Self CDs: https://wago.io/AXCpjlZi-

Defensives & Health Items: https://wago.io/9nksJGBea

Semi-Selfmade WeakAuras:

Combat Utility (Combat Rezzes + Stopwatch): https://wago.io/lYsB_qkRQ

ZenTracker Front-Ends: https://wago.io/QmKIyArxI

Raid Timer (BigWigs Replacement): https://wago.io/AKOaXrzO4

Non-Selfmade WeakAuras: (Hit me up if you want my versions of them. I configured most of them to fit the UI and I will gladly share my versions with you)

Defensive Cooldowns on Raid Frame: https://wago.io/CooldownsOnRaidframe/32

BfA Dungeon – Targeted Spells: https://wago.io/BFADungeonTargetedSpells

ZenTracker (ZT) Main: https://wago.io/r14U746B7

Mouse Cursor circle: https://wago.io/HJhCa5rDQ/2