Multi-class ElvUI profile / Apollyonh (Basic)

Multi-class ElvUI profile / Apollyonh (Basic)


A general UI setup for ElvUI.

There are 4 "hidden" mouse-over bars:

*At the left side, above the chat window (extra buttons - character, talents, options, …).

*Underneath the target-frame (mounts, hearthstones and other occasionally used spells).

*At the right side of the screen (rarely used spells and tools - professions, combat-logging, weekly vault macro, …).

*Directly above the three main-action bars (pet-bar).

The UI-element with the green skull, runes, runic power, target-health bar, etc. … is NOT a part of ElvUI.

Further more, this profile is not edited to perfection and is merely meant as a starting point from which you can get into adjusting UI elements along the way depending on your personal needs and preferences.