Multi Class functional ELVUI - Shadowlands 9.2.5

Multi Class functional ELVUI - Shadowlands 9.2.5


April 23rd, 2022: UI updated and will receive minor tweaks as I use it over the next few weeks. Please comment if you have issues. I'll try to help where I can.

April 21, 2022 [UPDATE] I will be updating this UI in the next week or so. Stay tuned!

My main was a Balance Druid, Cutting Edge for two tiers, and set up this UI with that spec in mind, but I'm sure this can be very easily tweaked to fit any of the Classes and specializations.

I will update this over time as I change it while playing Shadowlands.

If you are interested in what I'm using for player party and raid frames its Vuhdo and my profile is located here:

If you have any questions just leave a comment. I'll try to check this as often as I can.

Like this UI? Please Star and Favorite! :)

Thank you!

Old Versions of the UI located here [Can see where this sort of grew from]

[Update Oct 15th 2020]

- I'm back to playing WoW and will be playing Shadowlands.

- Slightly adjusted buff and debuff position

- Resized minimap

- Slightly adjusted objective frame

- Resized player, target, target of target unit frames

- Moved shapeshift form bar to top of player unit frame

- Enabled Power bars for the player unit frame

- Enabled Combo points for Feral

- Enabled Rage for Bear

- Added three more spell slots to the far left action bar

- Moved both 3x3 action bars tighter to the center bars

- Reset keybinds to default

- Chat window panels width increased, height increased

- Made room in center for Vuhdo Raid Frames (

- Adjusted Boss Target frame location

- Alternative Power moved to the center

- Vehicle Leave button moved to left of stance bar

- Pet frame and info above left chat panel

- Loot frame moved to left center of screen

- Loss of Control Icon moved up, still centered

- Zone and Boss buttons moved to left side of screen above left chat panel

- Adjusted tooltip location (Right side, above right chat panel)

- Bag moved up slightly to not clip the right chat panel

[Update Sept 17th 2020]

- I had stopped played WoW after Battle of Dazaralor

- Back now, tested to make sure this still works. Haven't added anything new. Just checked to make sure it worked.

[Update April 23rd 2019]

- Adjusted Player and Enemy UnitFrame Position and Size to fit Vuhdo in the center of the screen

- Removed/Hid Player EXP/Reputation bars

- Moved Azerite bar above left side chat window

- Moved and resized bottom bars

- Created a clean two row bar line

- Added more larger bar spaces to each side of the UI

- Druid Shapeshift bar moved to be above the Player UnitFrame

- Boss frames moved down to be tighter with other UnitFrames

- Hid ElvUI RaidFrames by default

- Chat window slightly smaller on left side

- Right chat window removed/hidden

[Update Sept 22nd 2018]

- Player castbar is ON by default on import. To turn off castbar: ElvUI settings > UnitFrames > Player Frame > Castbar Tab > then UNCHECK the enable box.

- Adjusted Party, Raid and Raid 40 frame positioning.

- Adjusted sizing and positioning of Experience, Reputation and Azerite DataBars (EXP bar, etc) (All three can be visible all at the same time)

- Placed castbar location to be above the Players UnitFrame. Sizing set to the same width as the Player Unitframe.

- Switched to ADIBags addon, so if there is a problem with the ElvUI bags please let me know so I can repro and fix any issues.

- I might be doing a full pass and optimize again soon when I have some extra time.

[Update Aug 8th 2018]

- Updated ElvUI and re-exported profile incase anyone else had errors.

[Update Aug 5th 2018]

- Moved bank bag anchor

- Moved Target castbar to be above the target frame

- Target of Target is hidden

- BNet frame anchor moved up

- Tooltip anchor moved up

- Player castbar disabled

- Consolidated some of the anchors not being used